yep, tried it, the new version is way fairer to figure out in stressful situation, thank you =)
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sorry for late reply - tbh my issue was that i didn't realize that "canc" could mean smth like "cancel", so i was just trying to mash c a n letters mostly <.<
and even then, i'm not sure what would've constituted as "cancel" key on my keyboard
delete key would've worked, if i had any hint that the key was a valid option
brb to test new game version
i don't seem to be able to progress in the "boss battle" - when the screen started moving, and i got CANC show up on the screen, i'm unable to continue using any key combination - whatever i do, it just fails for me (either due to time running out, or by failing to hold alt)
is there some sort of trick that i'm missing here?
tried doing it both in 1.3.2 and 1.3.3
you don't actually have to make in unreadable - 'cos doing the following works just as well:
@loop: @input: subleq @input, @IN
the action of putting a label inside its own address already creates the right value, AND you can use multiple labels at the same address for more readability
another option is to write explicit 0 there instead:
@loop: @input: subleq 0, @IN
there is no "forced to do something without any way to stop it" type of hypnosis. but real life hypnosis works as much as being immersed in a story works - you focus your attention on the text/voice/video, you forget about your surroundings, you lose track of time, you assept some things as true even if they would never happen this way IRL, you feel things you wouldn't normally feel by just sitting in your room or lying in bed. But unlike in a regular story, in hypnosis you are the main character, and your own body and your own feelings become part of the narrative. The main thing that a hypnotist does is they create a narrative and experience that you can focus on, and 'tasks' that you and your mind should be completing to move this 'story' along. And yes, people do feel 'pleasure waves' or other things during hypnosis - but that's just because they learnt how to let their subconscious manifest those feelings during trans (which is what "believeing" in hypnosis and "allowing" is all about).
but like it can be hard to follow one story, but very easy to immerse into another, so it can be easy or hard to fall into trans, depending on the tecniques hypnotist uses and your personal preferences. I personally perfer 'human' voice and keeping my eyes closed, so this game isn't really my cup of tea, but it still was fun while it lasted (which was very short, 'cos the "game" part of the game doesn't work on mobile <.>)