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A member registered Nov 06, 2016

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  • Bow
  • Crossbow
  • Flamethrower
  • Hand Cannon


  • Saber
  • Broadsword
  • Hatchet/Tomahawk (could be thrown)



  • Stun Gun
  • Poison Dart Gun


  • Throwing Knife
  • Shield (blocks bullets and melee with right click, smashes into enemies with left click)



  • Proximity Mine
  • Smoke grenade
  • Grenade launcher
  • C4 (remote control explosive)


  • Kevlar (light armor)
  • Full body Armor (heavy armor)

Gun Attachments (add ons to guns)

  • Laser Dot (red/blue dot where bullet would hit)
  • Flashlight (for night mode)
  • Bayonet (replaces kick and does more damage)
  • Extra Long Magazine/Clip (adds more ammo before reload)

"Traits" (passive abilities)

  • Dual wield
  • Bullet Types
    • Hollow point (more damage)
    • AP (ignores some amount of armor)
    • Explosive (more damage to vehicles)
    • EMP (disables weapons/vehicles for a period of time which replaces some damage)



  • Landing Craft (carries more troops and has a turreted machine gun)
  • Sub (very slow but has lock on torpedoes and can be killed by guns but not missiles)


  • Motorcycle (fast one seater with mounted forward facing machine gun)
  • AA truck (half track/truck with mounted AA/Flak gun)
  • Troop transport truck (half track/truck with many seats)


  • Hovercraft (fast attack craft, driver and a turreted machine gun)

Aircraft (mouse aim flight would be great)

  • VTOL (switch between hover and fly)
  • Gyrocopter (drops depth charges to kill boats and subs)

This would definitely bring back the interest in listening to the commentators. it would be neat if the speech was procedural such as when your arm was cut of the program would draw from the words, arm, limb, slice, cut, and other stuff like that then create a sentence using a grammar check program. This should create new unique sentences each time and this is a possible way to program real world robots for speech so it would be realistic.

When you get the arm cut off you die however it would be better to have to lose both arms (like legs) to die. To fight you could punch with the remaining arm. this could also work if a feature was added to put all weapons away, or with mu other idea, throwing weapons. The punch could be a attack that can't be blocked and you block with that would do low damage per hit/swing but would swing/hit very fast. side movment would throw hooks and regular would go straight like a pisyon.

It would be nice to have procedurally generated maps for shure but some could end up being weird or impossible.

It would be a nice addition to add a weapon that launches the spidertron grenades. upgrades could add more grenades per shot, increase the blast radius, or the amount of fragment (those tiny red blocks) that fly out.

It would be interesting if you could throw weapons at enemies then pick them up. This would be useful because it would allow players without the bow to attack robots in hard to reach places such as pillars. It would also allow you to pick up enemies weapons, however when the level resets your loadout aka your weapons should reset to what you had before the battle.

This could also change how players play the game, some people stick to one path and this could force them to go for upgrades to go with the perk. I was thinking that you could get a separate mini perk for each area, color, name, and occupation then you could have a ability that you can use once per match that combines all the areas/perks.

(1 edit)

Also if you make a map you should be able to test/play on it. I always like making maps for games just to play on them. If this game gets mod support or gets on steam then you could download other peoples maps to

  1. Sword length upgrades (Gives you a longer reach with the sword)
  2. Armor upgrades (Gives you more expendable blocks (like higher mark robots))
  3. Jump upgrade (Gives you a higher jump)
  4. Dagger (New weapon that has a faster attack than the sword, shorter reach than the sword, can't block, and can't be blocked. Upgrades increase speed of attack)
  5. Ax (New weapon that has a slower attack than the sword, has a longer reach than the sword, can't block, and when it's blocked there is a chance to disarm the opponent. Upgrades increase the chance to disarm.
  6. Shield (New "weapon" can be equipped with another weapon except the bow, a passive block that works while you are attacking, right-clicking activates a "shove" that has the same effect as kick. Works with unbalance, good form, and block arrows upgrades. Upgrades increase size of shield, other upgrades increase knock-back of the shove attack.)