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A member registered Jun 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Have you tried holding space? If so and it still didn't work, please let me know what platform you're on.

If there is no issue, starting the game works like so: launch the application, then hold space when the white screen with the rotating sun and red ring appears. Holding space for a second or two will begin the game.

However, if the described screen does not appear or if pressing space does nothing, then there is certainly a bug.

How far did you get into the game? It should be noted that some users told me that they were confused by the game's wordless and buttonless start screen. If that is not the issue here and there is a major issue with Wine compatibility, I may create and upload a Linux build (though I will not be able to test it).

Thank you for playing; I'm very glad you enjoyed it. I'm not very good with sound so I chose to pour my development time into other areas, but I may update this game in the future and if I do I will be sure to add sound.