Soon. I need to build my webshop, but I am very busy getting my new games out. But it will be available again, hopefully in the beginning of February
Your order is through 🤘 thanks!
Check your spam folder for confirmation mail please
The physical book is out!
Yes it will! We are working on it 🙂And thank you
The PDF is updated with smaller file size and much better loading time on the pages. I have yet to figure out how to make a spread version.
Yes, I am sorry I did not get to it yet. I have been super busy with the physical book.
But I am updating the PDF this weekend! And all purchasers will get a link to the updated version.
Thank you
I will look into that and return with an updated version. Thank you for feedback.
In Acrobat Reader, click the menu "View" -> "Page display" -> Choose "Two-page view" and check off "Show cover page in Two Page View" :)