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A member registered Sep 04, 2021

Recent community posts

Quickly looking at some past comments, there are SOME people who have experienced this too. Help the dev out first by providing as much information about it first.

  • What platform are you playing on?
  • Was the save file originally stable in a previous version? (did you bring an old save file to a new version of the game?)
  • What primary story events did you play?
  • Was there a specific event you finished and then exited?

Any information you can give with make the Devs life a little easier.

Is there an alternative download portal? I keep getting Network Errors

I think I'll do that, thanks MW1

Okay, I have to admit, I've had a love-hate relationship with your game.

It's great, and I love it, but the English translation is only serviceable.

But the way you handled Sasha and the Mayor scene, and having to play through that scene twice, was fantastic.
Love it!

(oh and I'm looking to develop my own E-VP with Renpy, if you'd like to me help with your English Translation at some point, I'd be honoured to help)

Can't wait for your update, but please communicate better with us. I seriously thought this game went the way of the dodo.

Thank you so much!

That's a great list to get me started on my journey.

You rock!

Thank you for replying, I'll have a look and go from there 😀 

Love your work.

Hey Caribdis,

Once in a life time is one of the best made adult games I've played, and I was wondering what programs you used for model creation and set piece creation. I wanna try and develop something as well, and want to know where to start.

Hey Mythic Manor Devs,

I want to try my hand at game creation. What programs did you use for character models and backgrounds?

Hey Altos and Herdone,

This is my favourite Adult VN, and it's inspired me to try my hand at game design. What programs besides Ren'py did you use to develop this?

Aight, cool. The posts on Itchio are my, and I'm sure plenty, of users port of call. Even if it's just copying and pasting from other update streams, please keep us posted too. Looking forward to the rework.

Is it possible to get an update on the development? it's been three months.

You can 'side with him' then before you give him what he wants it explains you're just giving him photos, then he'll ask for something more that's when you can straight up tell him to go fuck himself. So then he's like "get me a prostitute" and you then get him a prostitute and end up fucking her yourself and tricking him into thinking he did. 

The closest thing that comes to NTR in this, that I've encountered is a few of the girls and their encounters end up involving Irina walking in on yous and not having any idea you are doing something. There is one scene where, unknown to her, you're receiving a handjob while she's in the room. Hope this helps, incase it comes a little too close to NTR for you.

Absolutely loving this game.

Now, I get this is a total long shot, but is it possible to see a Transgender character in this. I feel like it could be done incredibly tastefully.