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Super Jesus

A member registered Jan 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Anyway, this is a solid foundation ; )

I allways throw  it around  20° from the bottom and I spin it like hell, sometimes it works ; )

I guess I couldn't 'bear' the tethering : )
Your game is always easier if you made it  :x

The idea is epic, ambitious indeed ! But you managed not only to make it work, but to make it feel like a game.

Sweet set, Cool idea, Hard game !!

I think I can be an architect now !

This is very impressive as a city building engine. Too bad there's no scoring x.x

The rogue-like mechanics are a bit obscure but I love it !

Very cool ambiance ! Apart from minor bugs this is well done and thought. Maybe I'm just bad, but I had a hard time figuring how much of light was lethal.

(1 edit)

I know what it is to make a game in half a day, so even though there's no 'final goal', I think you managed to nail the theme with a simple, yet relevant mechanic. Well done !