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A member registered Aug 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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you would still need steam running in the background anyways

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Ball Roll community · Created a new topic Welcome!

Welcome to Ball Roll.

In this game, it's not that you use the space key. Pretty weird. But you also don't use the arrow keys or WASD. Instead, you use your camera and a hand. In this game. You push the purple ball with your hand, trying to beat the black ball, getting to your hand.

Note: We currently cannot support Mac computers. Mac uses WKWebView. Video sensing doesn't support WKWebView. Also, we use packaging for our games now, and due to Apple's policy, this is troublesome. We will be closing packaging for this project and future versions of Squarator.

Welcome to the community page, here is the new community post, including a lot of new updates to the squarator page. Check it out, and download Squarator: Squarator Download.

its only on steam because you dont have to open ports

well sadly you cant download it then

bruh there is already one for mac on this page

on steam