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A member registered Jan 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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i made a nice Pong remake go check it out if you want. it would be much appreciated.

hey i just uploaded my first file its in very early access, check it out!

Hey my names Alfred and i'm just starting game making and would love to be in a small team or even just have a partner. I'm in the middle of making and RPG game but i need help making an attacking sprite for my character but i'm not the best at that(i already have an animating character but just not attacking). So if anyone can help please reply.

(1 edit)

Hey my names Alfred and i'm just starting game making and would love to be in a small team or even just have a partner. I'm in the middle of making and RPG game but i need help making an attacking sprite for my character but i'm not the best at that(i already have an animating character but just not attacking). So if anyone can help please reply.