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A member registered May 15, 2023

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I actually only realized how old the game was after commenting and I felt silly, lol. I'm glad my comment helped. I'm looking forward to any new games, I hope you'll find the time to do it!

I loved it! I was looking for games that could be played with an e-ink monitor when I discovered Tenebra, now this one works perfectly too (though it adds a bit of extra difficulty due to the low refresh rate). Thank you for making these games!

I loved the atmosphere and the music. The saving game mechanics remind me of Silent Hill and the pixel art is cool. The scary/gory parts are really well-done. However, the plot could be improved, sometimes the characters don't make much sense, like the lady giving you the key and telling you to check the church (like why would the protagonist do what she says? You've just heard a horrible scream, yeah let's go out alone and check that creepy church). Or when you are allowed to stay with the man but then go somewhere else, and when trying to go back to him, you don't go in because he may be sleeping?? (Our protagonist didn't seem to mind entering people's houses uninvited before!) But I guess the game is not so serious and these things are also in the style of retro games.

There are a couple of bugs, like the circle around the heart staying on the screen after closing the inventory.  Also, when talking to the kids the second time, I could only ask one question, and could not access the other dialogue option later.

I enjoyed the game, I hope to see how the story continues.

I love this so much. Please make it easier in the easy mode. I'd like to play it more casually. I end up losing too quickly and that is discouraging. Also lots more people would be able to enjoy, the difficult modes would still suit more skilled players. It would also help if the playing area had a larger height. Sometimes I get just the right pieces but they can't reach the pile since I'm out of vertical space so I just lose the game when I could have had a chance at completing the line. Thank you for making such an amazing game.