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A member registered Aug 23, 2021

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Ack. Thanks!

14b appears to be the version in the Itch download section.

Not completely implemented yet. I think the quest log may say WIP once you get as far as you can in the latest release.

Yeah, I'd love to have children for the whole crew :)

You make money by wandering outside of the city and collecting 'Desert Breath', a plant. Have you found the seedy bar on the lizard planet? You may need to wander many times until you do find it.  What are your current quests (including side-quests) telling you to do?

Then Galiano should still be around to help you...

Doing a second run through but this time Asmodeo has not shown up when discussing a magical cure for Rylan's bro. What is the trigger for him?

Winning the fight is irrelevant to the point you are making. The sex scenes occur during the fight while Arihama is still much stronger than the player. All you have done is make him extremely horny, while he is stronger than you. It would be very out of character for him to be submissive at this stage. At the end of the fight, yes it would be in character for you to be dominate with him but you don't have the time to have sex before he gets back up.

24 hr shifts are a reality here.

Thanks, I was mistaking the plain grey box for Discord as an alternate link for the Patreon box. When I clicked it, it expanded to what you pasted here. All good. Appreciate your patience.

I am looking above the Download section and do not see any Discord link.  Could you screen shot what you are seeing?

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Are we supposed to lose to the hog in Chapter 2 'Steel Nerves' or am I completely useless?

Edit: My error was not paying attention to my energy and starting the fight with very little.

And where do I find your link to your discord?

Having a strange issue - Skruvaks' penis is stuck on every screen. Loaded a game from an earlier version and went to the dark alley and afterward it just stayed there. Some characters stand in front of it (mostly) and others are behind it. Any way I can get rid of it?

Simply echoing the other comments, what excellent story telling. It's given me ideas for a D&D campaign. Just don't tel WoTC ;)

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So I am getting very frustrated. I made the Treated water to give to Tyr at the Depot and I can never trigger the event to give it to him. Is the raid on the depot always going to occur or is it preventable by getting the water to him. I have managed to complete every other side quest but this one and there do not appear to be any more cut scenes at any location. I simply avoided the fight at 'Delivery' and got to the end of the 15 days but I'd still like to know how to complete that side quest.

When you talked about a date with Rylan, I thought 'That will be nice'. I should have known better - it was great and the prelude with Arthur was a happy surprise.  Can't wait to see what contraptions Katari and Alastor come up with (since they are the engineers).

Oh I am getting a warning - image 'Cyberthur Normal' not found. I presume it's the typo of an 'r' and not a 'g' i.e. 'Cyberthug'

I am stymied by the same thing. It suggests something could have been done differently to avoid the fight with Mac. Unfortunately TeamZorro didn't understand your question and didn't give you an answer.

Looks like it. I'm waiting for a low respect scene where Bradley and the rest of the crew present the MC with a dog collar that says "Captain".

How do you actually drink the potent huldra potions? I made a couple but I can't figure out how to use them.

The waste he produces is valuable and useful...(not putting in a spoiler).

I believe it's an infinite number (random encounter) until the situation is resolved

I like Cole too but I want him to be 'bad' :)

You are so creatively nasty with your low respect scenes! I love it! I can't wait to see the development of all the foreshadowing you have done with some of the conversations and items. Any chance some of the crew are going to drop by the Seedy Bar?

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The Captain's name in capital letters.

I mentioned this below in a reply but figure I should make it a separate topic as a bug report. I am playing as a low respect sub. With Galiano, a conversation topic appears 'Submission' which has Galiano submitting to the MC. I think the test logic is mixed up and this should only appear for a high respect dom MC. Hopefully there is an equivalent for my low respect MC

What is the 'Inside sex' option of Galiano? I play sub as well and I am at something like -15 respect. I do see a 'submission' option when speaking to Galiano but that appears to be a bug and the option meant for a high respect/dom MC.

Absolutely love this - ended up staying awake all night playing this 12 hours straight! How about expanding the Dalton love story to be a slave to him and his son :) ?

Great start. Vas-tu continuer? Aussi, je pense que le 3D est meilleur que le 'hand drawn'. Peux-tu garder le 3D?

I just stumbled across this game and love it. Kudos to the graphics folks and whoever does the scripting is brilliant. The dominant Cole scene rocks. Super hoping Cole eventually has the MC sign an agreement transferring all their assets (including their body) to Cole which he then starts pimping out. This would be to raise money for an eventual penis transplant/swap between the MC and Cole. Also hoping to get a new job in a couple of days to start supporting you on Patreon. Eager to see what you come up with.