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A member registered Mar 08, 2022

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It wasnt about his question, he got a fair response explaining the situation. Its about your entitlment and the rant you went on explaining how you're entitled to someone elses work as "standard procedure"

Go pay and help support the people who's tools you are using most likely in your own work that you'll be trying to make money off anyway.

Same level of entitlment of refusing to pay for editing applications while making moneh using stolen versions, your just a dick lmao

Even if you don't make money it's still a professional tool designed to help your work process, AI isn't a toy it's a tool, pay for it or sign up for a free alternative.

Seriously bro, you're reaching for the stars trying to justify yourself on here, if your ego is this hurt just leave, its sad man.

there's nothing wrong with your question dude, it's nothing got to do with that, it's the fact someone simple replied to just not ask things like that because you're getting the product for free when it's clearly stated if you want updates go pay for the patron like everyone else.

It could have ended there but then this clown rolls through going on a rant about how he's entitled to other people's work within a specific timelimit and he doesn't need to pay them lmao

He's an asshole 

hahahahhahahahahaha I'm actually done, what a sadcase man.

You genuinely think your special don't ya? All I did was point out how you're acting entitled as all hell to someone's hard work, YOU took it on yourself to pull a tantrum and start throwing insults around.

The other commenter was plenty kind to you in the way he was phrasing his comments but you're so far up your own ass you still took it negatively.

Genuinely get therapy dude because you clearly need a lot of it to deal with your ego and delusion issues.

I don't have any hate for you, it would be like being angry at a homeless man for being homeless, I can't blame you for being a self entitled ass hat!

Have a great day ❤️

The only one being a dick is you, bro, you're a sentient human, maybe grow some self-awareness. 

You're acting extremely entitled, assuming that a creator has to deliver you a free product under a stringent time constraint??? 

Since fucking when?

What IS standard procedure, is you paying someone for their work or shutting the fuck up and being happy they're giving you anything at all for free.

Nothing better than an entitled man-child with a chip on his shoulder letting his entitlement run wild!