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A member registered Dec 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Cool! There is a small bit of lore hidden in the first through comments, so I guess you get a more full experience!


You guys' days going fine?

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Sorry about that, my game uses python and auto-py-to-exe(variation of pyinstaller) to create the exe. It 'compiles' python scripts in a suspicious way that most antiviruses find almost instantly after the file is on your pc. I had similar struggles just uploading the file.

If you want a way to play it the best way is to make an exception for that file on your antivirus, usually can be done to files in quarantine.

If you can't be bothered, that's ok too!  It's a bit of work considering antiviruses these days. What antivirus do you use?

this was an old post I forgor to make it public lol

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Does it crash from when you enter the game or is there a point in the game which it crashes? If you mean the bug where the "finalize" button gives an error that's because I didn't finish the game and wasn't able to make a proper ending to the game. Sorry for the inconvenience!

He hurt me and took my bread :(

no matter my time my bread always suck :((

I never played this game when it came out but I'd be glad to try it out ☺️. The game looks more polished than anything I've ever made 😅.

While your reading this do you have any tips for new players?

I wish I could try this out, but I'm too lazy to install linux mint for the 3rd time on a usb drive as easy as it is. Maybe if I retry linux I'll try this out!

(I use windows 11 btw)

I didn't realise when making this the theme was fail not fail making a game 😭

Everyone but me is thinking fail jam is about the theme being "fail", but my interpretation was to fail making a game 😭

yay I won :D

Really clever game especially with the theme.

Game Breaker's Tool kit? More like Game Breaker's Nausea.

This game is awesome. One of the best indie games I've seen. The levels are created well and have the right balance of hard and easy, and prioritises memorizing levels and executing effectively to make up the fun aspect of the game. Not the game for colour bind people though lol

Bravo 10/10  :D

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hard :(

(or im bad lol)

just joking lol... Sorry If I gave you a heart attack... Maybe I shouldn't have said this?

why does itch.io think your game is from a scam call centre in india?

The ending made me jump! Is there a way to get past death?

i didn't, i should though(doing it now)


I have no idea how to play this monstrosity but I love it

I have no idea how to play this monstrosity but I love it

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I left the map guys

I don't think I can vote on this one....

"Unable to load file Build/WEB-GL_Portal-Rip-Off-LAME-JAM_BUILD.framework.js.gz! Check that the file exists on the remote server. (also check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug)"


Love it! great concept, and executed beautifully. My only word of advice, less is more for the dialogue, it can seem overwhelming reading that much text. Still a really fun game. 10/10!

The screen was too big for it to work well on my device, that's my only complaint though, keep up the great work!

screen really big

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I ran out of time to make blocks placeable lol :D

This is beautiful *sniff* and the part where the bro kicks the bro...

Just simply beautiful

This is beautiful *sniff* and the part where the bro kicks the bro...

Just simply beautiful

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After the round ends press menu then play and the score stays the same :)

Hold down F.....


(why  are we lol-ing again?)

I added source because why not? :)

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Very creepy, but fun! It doesn't really fit the theme though in my opinion. Still a great score from me!