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SuperNatrual Games

A member registered May 08, 2021

Recent community posts

How can I use the purchased Poppi avatar for VRChat on Quest 2

Will there ever be more gallery stuff?

She's thicc, perfect

I'm curious, Will chapter 2 focus more on Monika and Sayori? or will focus always be kept on Yuri and Natsuki?

Are there any plans to add more outfits or bedroom styles?

??? how?  I'm letting you know thats a thing.

Actually learn to check 'Read me' files when you download games.   They're called Read Me's for a reason and provides detailed controls and instructions

Literally Skill issue dude..

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The $15 gives you access to the various endings to the game other than that its the same as the previous free version

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You do You but its a very fair price If you actually want to see the endings.  If you were part of the Discord you would have known the developer said a Long time ago that the Endings were going to be paywalled which is fair
Up to this point the game was all just an Open beta

Oh hell nah, I usally skip these things but seeing that, I really hope this is just a joke for the game, even so It's terrible and needs to be removed

Will there ever be a corruption route for Kate? or will that just be forever an end of her scenes

How do I do that? I have a quest 2 

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Those dont work either.   I downloaded "AFGirlfriendQuest HoyoGirlsVer0.80Free.apk"  

And its just as broken

it can be installed through sidequest?

Could you ever make a stand alone version?

There are Too Many different Downloads!  Which one is meant for Quest 2??

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What is the Editor button??
All I see is Body size, Bust size, colorations and outfit changes

This game is amazing I cant wait till Chapter 2!!

Will there ever be more Poppy VR Chat avatars on the store?

I played a bit of this game and I already love it, I cant wait for more updates Keep up the amazing work!

How do you actually start the game on quest 2?  I customized my girl but nothing else is happening and I dont see any like start button or something,  Nothing else is interactable

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Bro why you so heated? go outside, chill or something damn

There was a nicer way to give critisism

That's fine to have an opinion but I just have an issue with someone outright insulting somones work

No updates?

And your an asshole, Who cares? It's not your game to judge You make something better and "unique"

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This game Is WAY TOO ABSURDLY DIFFICULT if your new,  You don't even get to keep the money you make if you end up losing, and with the Starter Pistol it's impossible to kill anything effectively when Its such a stupidly large group.  Even in Casual Difficulty it's not any better.  

You need to Tone down the difficulty Drastically cause No one new is going to have fun with this game if you can't even beat the first level. Especially when eventually it becomes impossible to break free

EDIT:  I retract my previous statements, Aparently my game was just bugged to where every time I shot I would reload

Will this game ever get a sequel when Realms of Bondage is completed

The fuck?

Do you happen to know of a set time interval for when Chiku leaves the office to when she returns to it? 

Do you know of any Hiding spots or spots she won't see me? The only hiding spot I know is the one in the bathroom

How do I get past Chiku?? She just traps me in the office room where the bathroom is I can never leave the room cause she just patrols the door outside

Spiral Clicker 2 community · Created a new topic Demo?

Is there a demo or anything at this current moment?

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I'm not trying to rush him/her or anything but I can't really access things like their Ci-en or Fantia or something So I'm really in the dark about any progress

Edit: Never mind, I thought the Ci-en was a paid for thing but I guess not

Any news on an Update?

She can? Ok, If I'm wrong about that part I apologize, I went like 4 nights in a row where she's appeared at my window multiple times and never did anything even when the door is wide open

No, Don't listen to Rhison.  Ari is all about your Sanity.  As long as you use the plushy to keep the sanity up she will never attack you even if she's at the window don't worry about her as Long as you have high sanity

Could we get an ability to use Number keys for Specific cameras? To make it easier for people who only have a laptop and have to use the track pad

1. Their not Animatronics

2. What character exactly are you struggling with?