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A member registered Mar 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hit stops make gameplay breifly pause after collecting a powerup or hitting an emeny, like in normal Mario. They're a togglable option since they weren't in the game previously, and while they're much better for casual play for speedrunning you'd probably find some success disabling them.

There's actually a dedicated SMBS speedrunning Discord some fans set up, though it hasn't been active lately.

Both character selection and the temple theme will be in v0.1.0

I'm currently working on v0.1.0 of Super Mario Sandbox, but after that development on World 3 will start.


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That's a bug, unsure how/if I'll patch it later. For now though it doesn't seem to be too harmful.

Slopes are in progress! Just need to work on having them properly tile in the different themes.

There are some optimization issues I need to fix

I don't have any plans to add mobile support due to complexity of the engine.

Not every theme is available in SMB3 yet. The generator theme will be finished for v0.1.0 though.

The import level code is for if you want to keep working on a level or if you want to play something shared by a friend. There's no limit on the number of goals since secret exits are a thing.

The latest version has Android support.

Strange. Looks like some settings regarding camera information weren't set properly. I'll try to figure out what's causing it.

No, sorry

As far as I know, it's because they're based on cards from various franchises (Pokemon, Hearthstone, Slay the Spire, The Witcher, etc) so the art is omitted to avoid copyright.

Which platform?

The newest version supports browser. I don't plan to readd support for outdated versions.

The question mark means that the level has a secret exit (the secret exit will eventually lead to world 4, so it hasn't been fully implemented yet). As of now propeller mushrooms only appear in Rt. 3 in Road to Infinity, but they'll be added to the main campaign in a future update.

This version is not available on Chrome. Try

(1 edit)

It was removed due to the verification system breaking. I can try to fix it in the older version, though v0.2.1 has been fixed.

Should be fixed now

There was an issue with the verification system. It has been fixed for v0.2.1.

Does the "okay" button not show up?

I'd need to check if Unity supports that, but if so then yes.

Sure. My Discord user is superpi2.


If you know Portuguese that's definitely something that would be cool.

I don't know yet

You can rebind your controls in the settings.


You can rebind the directional controls in the settings. Different controllers tend to have slightly different configurations.

It's not a priority. I personally think All-Stars SMB3 is a very overused theme in fangames and would rather focus on adding more features to the existing themes.

Probably not. It's compatible with controllers on PC though.

This version only contains the first half of world 1. is the latest version, which contains world 2.

Eventually, yes


Right now it only works on some controllers. I'll add full remapping of the directional inputs in the next update.

There's a number performance issues that will be addressed in the next update.

I don't know.
