Although I disagree that people acting however masculine/butch or feminine/flamboyant as they want has anything to do with straightness, I respect that that's your perspective. I am pansexual/queer, and I identified with Braden throughout the story, especially toward the end, regarding his confusion and inability to put himself in a category.
[SPOILER] It became canon in the story that Braden is at the very least a one on the Kinsey Scale, which to me means that he is queer and decidedly not straight (a zero on the Kinsey Scale), but that's my reading of his character which is influenced by my experience. [END SPOILER]
Regardless of all that, I want to commend you again on writing and producing such a thoughtful story—I think it is a testament to the intricacy and impact of it that different people can experience it in various ways and still enjoy it so much. I am excited to play through the revised version and support the project by purchasing the game. Bravo!