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A member registered May 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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from a technical standpoint, this would likely require lots of work on the game's core mechanics, and would be super difficult to tackle, especially with the game's already convoluted code. perhaps it's something they're looking to work on with their overhaul though?

Had the sound muted so can't comment on that. Loved the pixel art style and dark color palette, accents the gory parts. Computer lags, didn't get past the second screen, can't comment on that. From what I can see, is a normal game (though the shop is intriguing...) 4/5 overall, keep up the work!

After a while if you save up pills, if you pull a Double Pills, you've basically got infinite money. Also AI isn't very good (misses with hammer, uses cards when they could've saved them, etc). Online has lots of bugs. Amazing game, though, very polished, impressive for a 50-hour gamejamgame. Keep up the work!