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A member registered Nov 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is the best vibing game ever!!!!

Looks really like the GDQuest project.
Good luck with the programing journey!

Cool game!
Really nice and simple mecanics!
Hope to see you make more games!

Cool game!
Just wish there is some realxing music while trying to solve the puzzel.

Thank you SnapGamesStudios! ♥

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Thank! ♥

Cool game!
Love the rolling mecanic!
Just the shoting feels out of place.
Looking foward for updates!


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Cool concept! I love the game.
Really curous how big this could be.

This is such a cool game!

How many enddings are there?

Stop pranking.
You don't have dani's projects.

This guy is not the real dani.

Welp whatever. (I got pranked)
I just use my method instead.
I've already relaized a few years ago that I need to use my method for me.
And who is this prankster?


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Wow, can't believe that some people are playing this old game.
I don't really know if I will remake it, but thanks for playing my game!

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This game is great!
The sfx and particles are juciy!

I know this is made from your free time, but can you make more enemies and upgreads? (Also balance diffuclty)

Also, hope you have a good day!

You can throw the bat away and then recall it by pressing LM.
The bat will come bechind them and kill them.

That is so cool and fun!
I love that the bat and the kick can be combo!

Cool game!
Just a few thing that I think can make it better:
1. A easy mode (More player hp)
2. Replace doge with parry sience you want to be close to the boss.
3. Bigger slash.
Hope these will help you became better.
And good luck to your game dev joruny!

I'm also making a game that have tower defense.

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I found a bug.
But I don't know how to send you the video.
If you like I could send it va discord (My discord name: WayenGameDev)

Though here is a few things I think will make it better:

1. Faster reload.
2. Bullets faster.
3. Spikes with smaller hit boxes (If you know celeste, it has smaller hit boxes).

When you esc and then enter, the cursor is still not in focus.

Cool game!
Just the lightning is kinda long.

I understand.
Just hope this feedback can help you in the futre!

(6 edits)

Love the idea, but here is some ideas I feel will make it better.
1. Reset button.
2. Choose which one the move. (Since the prison one is useless)
3. Tell the player how far the enemies can reach and attack.
4. A better tutoral. (I don't know how to free my ally 😐)
5. Waiting each enemies to move is a pain.
6. Killing enemies sometimes doesn't heal.
7. Sometimes enemies attack both of my players.

Other than, it was fun!
Hope this will help your game dev journy!

I love the narrteve, music, and voice of the game!
Really made well!

Cool game!

Just maybe add a hard reset button so that all of your reflections will be gone.

Love the idea, but will be better if you added these:

Coyote jump and buffer jump.
Can move instand when hit the ground.
Camera zoom out litte bit.
Wall only snap if there is a wall and going down.

Hope these will help your game dev joruny!

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Good game!

Still try to figure out what is the key combnaions 😭.

But I feel like it will be better if there is more music.

Cool game!
Just the contorls are slippery.

It's such a intresing tale.
I love the game play too!

My hands are going to become wheels.

Really fun game!

Nice game, just kinda panic a bit.


Looks cool.
Is it a platfomer or topdown?

Nice game!
Wonder what happends if the ai can have nitro cans.

I found a weird bug.
I some how when I click the buy button it doesn't decress my money and the value didn't change.
I can't send you the video from here. (So maybe I can send you in discord or somthing)

Cool game!

I love playing it and I wish there is more.
Though I don't think there is buffer jump in the speedy game. (Plz add it)