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A member registered Jan 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey Idan, thanks for your feedback! Yes, we fail in a couple of respects here, but we'll be bugfixing and iterating on the idea in the following days/weeks. I'll post the "ironed out" version after we're happy with the results. Thanks for stopping by and trying our game!

We'll work on accessibility for those who want to play on keyboard as well, thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback! After the jam concluded we ironed out some glaring problems and are on our way to deal with onboarding, playthroughs and fixes of all manner. We'll post the completed relase when we finish. Thanks for checking out our game!

Hey guys, I loved your gamejam entry (actually voted for you), can you publish the rules and the cards etc. in printable form?

Sure thing, will work on that.

(1 edit)

Hi Neco, sorry for the inconvenience. I've added the description of the game, that should clear up some confusion. As for the green screen issue, it seems to be a bug we didn't encounter before. We'll do our best to fix it ASAP (also, expect builds for MAC and Linux).

The build turend out to be presentation-ready, but it does need a bit more love to be considered "finished" :)

Thanks for your feedback!