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Saif Amer

A member registered Jun 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is such a life saver thank you!!!

Holy, your completely right I cant believe I didn't catch that. I've updated the files in the GitHub and itch, but if you don't wanna go through the hassle of re downloading it just swap out this line in the move horizontally function:

"currentSpeed = move_toward(currentSpeed, maxSpeed , acceleration"

to this

"currentSpeed = move_toward(currentSpeed, maxSpeed - airFriction, acceleration)"

(1 edit)

Yup, to add new states you just need to create functions for the enter, exit, and step logic an example for an attack state would be 

func attack_emter_logic():


func attack_logic():


func attack_exit_logic():


Im sure you can, but I'm not really experienced in using the animated sprite node

If your your having trouble downloading the template from itch you could try the github

Thank you so much for your kind words. The character already does squash on landing by calling the squash_stretch() function in the fall state when checking if you are on the floor. You can change the amount it squashes, and stretches by changing the landingSquash, and landingStretch vars

To change the sprites on the player first you need to go to the player.tscn file, then click on the sprite node, and change the texture property. 

Next you need to adjust the hframes, and vframes values to the amount of rows and columns your sprite sheet has. 

Lastly you need to click on the AnimationPlayer node and remake the animations to fit how many frames your spritesheet has.

This video goes over the whole process: 

Thanks for playing, and your advice. Do you remember which level the game crashed? 

Whoops, The right arrow key was a instant death we used in debugginh, I guess I just left that in

I absolutely love this interpretation of the theme, and the gameplay is so addictive

What version of Godot are you using?

I have an midi controller, could I play ony midi controller and have it show up on famistudio?

de nada

Im always happy to help

Amazing game the AI seems very advanced. No idea how you got that much done in only 7 days you two two did very well for so little time