Very impressive! Jumping did feel a little weird, but that's to be expected with the minimal control scheme.
Unrelated, the anti-aliasing on the text adds a fifth color, make sure to turn that off whenever you have low scale games!
If you are using Gamemaker Studio, you can set the room speed to about whatever you want... except decimals.
Luckily there's a function called game_set_speed(value,type)
You can set the speed in FPS using the type gamespeed_fps or in microseconds per frame using the type gamespeed_microseconds.
With a bit of math we can figure out that the microseconds you need is based off like so: (1/59.73)*1000000=16472.0057
So make a object on the start of your game that sets the game speed like so: game_set_speed(16472, gamespeed_microseconds)
a MMO where everyone is in one game world and you can hold one item per hand