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A member registered Aug 08, 2019

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Have to ever thought of creating a game with impossible spaces without a procedurally generated environment?  Procedurally generated maps limits you to the roguelike genre only.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good roguelike game, and Tea for God is amazing, in both the colloquial and literal sense of the word.  But I would love to see an adventure game with a predesigned map layout.  Procedural generation is great for replayability, but sort of limits the storytelling and ability to design puzzles.  Those are my two favorite aspects of games, and I’d die to see them paired with the ability to walk without artificial locomotion in VR.

My previous comment elaborates on my thoughts, but in my opinion, a certain amount of linearity in a game isn’t always a bad thing.  It can make certain aspects of a game stronger.