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A member registered Jun 09, 2023

Recent community posts

Will there be an english translation?

Please give us a detailed describtion how to buy the full Version. I wanna play the full game with all enemies but i can't buy it here. I can't translate ci-en and fantia so i don't know how to buy it

I can't wait until the game will be able to purchase on this site

not really... i never got fucked by tentacles

i would like some changes on a girls reactions when you pull her inside multiple times. i mean, no one would have the same reaction when you get fucked by tentacles 10 times in a row

slugs are my favourite from these. i would really like to see something like that in the game

yeah, cockroaches and slugs

i can't find a way to purchase it there

what does "The game has stopped selling" means? could it be that the sponsored version is not available now? i can't find a way to purchase the game on ci-en and fantia i just hope that this game will be avialable to buy here on soon.

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some new enemy ideas:

1. a slug (but without a shell). the slug crawls over the ground slowly and when it catches you its gonna push you on the ground and climbs on top of you. it fucks your pussy and puts slug eggs inside you.

2. a horse. but i guess it would be to similar to the reindeer from the christmas event.

3. a zombie or insect (i prefer insect) that digs into the ground and jumps up when you walk over it. you can only see a tiny bulge on the ground or a bit of its body becuase it would be unfair if you couldn't see it.

4. a second female zombie but without a cock and it forces you to lesbian sex

5. a human that is controled by a mushroom, but i guess its a a thing for the eye since i can't think of something that would make it different from the zombies

6. some sort of slime blob that catches you inside of itself. (with or without tentacles)

i look forward to see new enemies in the game. especially the ones who put eggs inside you.

(please think about my idea with the slug. i would love to see it)

multiple bug ideas(nothing for sensetive people):

slug idea:

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i would love to see an update where you can interact with fucked/ or getting fucked npc's like this one for an example. like you can join them when they are getting fucked or use the body from already fucked ones like this one here

why can't i buy the game for the 4$ here like any other game? i know nothing about Ci-en and Fantia. i just wanna play the full game. :(

i understood that i need to pay 4$ to play the full game. but where is the purchase button!?!?!?

sounds nice

Since you added dogs please ad horses

The more often you fuck, syahata gets more addicted. I would like to see new levels of this addiction leveling. And more variants of syahatas Text boxes she always says the same two things After she got fucked thats boring 

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i would love to see new monsters in the next uptade and more sex options with them and the current monsters. Also i would like to see Infos about syahatas mouth right now you can only see the stats of her uterus and ass.