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Suzumiya Haruno

A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Me as well!!!

I miss this.

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It's quite interesting!

I wonder what happened :(


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I need more ... It's 100/10


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I will always come back here~

Same 😭

Catalyst gang

More of oswin>>>

No words 


(2 edits)

It looks gorgeous and Keir>>>>

Looks very interesting, will read it today!

Ty :>


Let's still have some hope! Does anyone have the author's Tumblr?

Those games were def 1000/10!! Such a nostalgic feeling 😭



I can't wait for more of this!

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This isn't abandoned...isn't it?

Omg it's here <3

as we should :>

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Confused, by my own existence and my uni work keeps on sucking my sanity..



👍🏻 👍🏻

No worries at all! Life happens, and priorities shift. Looking forward to when you're able to circle back to it. Take your time, and I'll be here when you're ready to continue <3

I feel this is by far the most lively and most devoted comment section on this site. I truly adore it.

This isn't abandoned? isn't it...


😭 ❤️

The character arts are stunning ✨ 😭 

I appreciate your acknowledgment of my efforts to convey my message in such a manner. I genuinely believe that by approaching the negative and distasteful perspectives with compassion and kindness, we have a better chance of inspiring change. It is indeed disheartening to witness talented authors disappear due to the cruelty they face from people who fail to grasp the nuances of their interactive fiction. 

I can't stress enough how essential it's to respect and appreciate the immense amount of time, effort, and love authors pour into their work. Let's hope for the author to return safely from their hiatus, coz I'm not losing hope anytime soon....esp for this masterpiece 😭.

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I already know that this will be a lengthy message, but it's important for you to hear it.

I understand that everyone has their own preferences and opinions when it comes to fictional stories. However, it's important to remember that authors have creative freedom and different readers enjoy different types of narratives!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but it's unnecessary to be disrespectful. The author has put in a lot of effort and creativity into their work, and there are many readers who appreciate and enjoy it. If it's not your cup of tea, there's no need to engage or spread negativity. 

 It's always better to promote constructive dialogue and understanding rather than resorting to insults. Your remarks about the author's sanity and the readers' character are not only uncalled for but also quite distasteful. Critiquing a story is one thing, but demeaning the creator and their audience is quite another!

Isn't it rather amusing? The author hasn't ever pressed anyone to pursue romance with the cousin. There's a whole array of alternatives to swoon over. Let's not linger on one aspect indefinitely, shall we? 

I hope you realize the impact of unkind words; it may already be evident on this particular page.

It's back!!