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A member registered Nov 30, 2021

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Same here, it would be great to have the number of steps to be customizable, so that the designer can choose the amount of image being created in one rotate action.

Same here, i would like to have a preset to export a model in a top-down or a front-back view and then export a series of sprites rotating on a selected axis. Right now i believe the asis is the Y-asis but it would be great of the Z-asis or the X-asis could also be selected as an option. It would save a lot of misery.

How do I import the sprite sheet properly in aseprite, as the sprite sheet contains proportional spaced characters. The sprite sheet does not contain fixed spaced characters, so it is hard to import every character properly in one import click. Is there a trick I can apply? I need to import each character individually from the sprite sheet. It would be good you add a fixed spaced spritesheet also.

The font looks great, i will use it for my game in the new Commander X16.

Thank you.

How do i use these in asset forge deluxe?

(1 edit)

My new player model for a retro game i'm making. But how do I add the model file?