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A member registered Aug 03, 2016

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How do you enter the avatar during the initial tutorial? I press all the buttons and none seem to work :P

it's fine, your game looks polished af and really good, I enjoyed just about everything but that puzzle lol

in the ocean, after you fall in the pit and need to unlock a door to get back to the main area

Your puzzles are way too hard. I got stuck because of a color puzzle. Even using the guide I was confused. I want to buy your game, it oozes quality and passion, but you need to allow an option for stupid people like me. I'm not asking you to tone down the whole game, maybe an easy mode?

Is there a way to get the MC to hook up with the principal in detention? When he comes back he says he lost the bet, and the potential lewd got thrown out, just wondering if there was an option to tilt it the other way.

you're doing God's work

well it's disappointing, but if it's really bad enough that you end up hating it, you probably shouldn't push yourself. It is disappointing to see such a good game die like this though. I hope you'll come back refreshed someday.

dude, post screenshots. Why would I play it if there's no bait for your hook?

Hey Vosmug, just wanted to say this is a great game. I played this several times ages ago (I payed for it lol), and it's top notch stuff. Looking forward to your next game!

Why can't I adjust it? Just started the game, there's no options in the pause or main menus.

I wish I was in Dixie~

Totally fine my dude. I'm just one guy with one opinion, and others obviously don't feel the same. Best of luck with your game, it's looking great so far!

(2 edits)

I like what's here, but (spoilers) at points it feels like a wikipedia article or information piece on the various fields you researched to make this game. It's a little dull to read about "Deaf culture" and the subtleties of AA the way you're wording it. I care more about the characters than getting exposition about their back story. I'd trim it down a bit, just a suggestion. Show, don't tell.

Also, the tiger being deaf, why is that so emphasized? I legit laughed when the second conversation also started about him being deaf. Don't deaf people want to be treated like regular people, too? Don't gay people want to be treated like regular people?

Colby seems normal enough, he gets around and is even a porn star, but he doesn't march down the street in a rainbow jockstrap because gay isn't his only personality trait.

Sorry if this is a bit abrasive! You're a good writer, besides. I'm enjoying it, and the text message mechanic is especially cute. Just wanted to give some constructive feedback.

Just finished the prologue. I have to say dude, you've got something good here. You blew  my expectations out of the water. Great pacing, great mix of comedy, great soundtrack, seriously fantastic work here. Usually references are cringey and awkward, but they fit here for whatever reason, I kekked more than once. Great job!