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A member registered Jul 06, 2021

Recent community posts

What is the strat for killing the pink slimes?  i am getting smashed every time?  I got it to the point where it split the first time and i split one of the smaller ones once.  Is it just grind?  I realised it is resistant to melee (at least in the first phase) but the constant healing and life leech makes it tough.  It is blocking a lot of quests.

right, got it, thanks

I cant get spanking up to lvl 2, i get locked at 3/4

Im having the same issue

Im having the same issue

After Sunday the days dont seem to be working, the box is blank and i cant work at the clothing store because it is only open on weekdays

Downloaded the linux version, i cant see a .sh anywhere, but there is an executable, ran that but nothing happened

Any help?

Just some initial feedback

The options screen is weird in windowed mode, seems like the "hitboxes" for the options are a bit off

Im running on a 4K screen for reference, but i needed to click on the words rather than the check boxes, and even then it was not consistent

Also the return to title button does not seem to work at all, but the back arrow works no issues

Damn, it was always hidden behind the mission screen...thanks so much my friend

Am i just blind?  I cant find a mirror in the house that lets me click on it, the only ones i can find so far are in the main bathroom and your moms bathroom, but neither are clickable.  Also Lucifer does not give me the option to work on charisma either, i think i am running out of things to do without higher charisma...please help

Is there any way to get gasoline without walking to the gas station, or getting the bike?

It still says 38 days ago for the upload date in itch, maybe its because the name hasnt changed?  i dont know how it all works

I noticed that the upload date on the files hasnt changed, but i downloaded it and overwrote my files but i have the same issue in the same spot, so maybe the fix hasnt been uploaded correctly?

144hz version gets past scene fine

3.0 4K version, im getting crashes at the exact same frame

Tried with both 4k mode on and off, its during the scene after the MC takes a call from the doctor and he goes and watches a movie with the landlady

I am trying the 144hz version to see if there is any difference

I dont often review stuff, but i felt like i had to review this.  I have no idea how you managed it, but you managed to make a adult game where the MC wasnt either a moron or a sleeze (not too much of a sleeze anyway) that i actually liked him, and the girls are all likeable as well, even the bitchy ones arent like comicly bitchy, great work, i am always disapointed when i log into ich and there isnt a new release :)

No problem, great game, i got it pretty soon after you posted it so i figured i would let you know ASAP

Just FYI, game crashes while you are groping Kathy