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Swartz [OG pfp]

A member registered Jan 04, 2021

Recent community posts

I was just lookin' for artists so yes but no... I really wasn't wanting to come back 'ere but now we're 'ere-

Y'know what did I expect from you-

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We need an artist for our "Crew X" mod, where bf will be facing against the main developers of the mod, Characters like Exo, Avoided, Vitriol (owned by Malto), Me, Ink+Lynx, and YOU if you make the cut

Please add me and send me some of your art to see if you qualify: Swartz the dum cat#0338

Side Note:This is a big "for fun" project so don't expect payment, we will also need to know how much experience you have with animating

Thank you and see ya when Crew X HITS THE FNF MODDING REALM... sometime... whenever we're done-


Friday Night Funkin' community · Created a new topic ...

read the desc. while your at it... wasting your time with me

So I think I stumbled upon a new couple on itch...

It seems the Jill stuff is calming down a bit, and now a new foe has appeared, "Coolguy2009" as they go by, spamming 4 topics in under 30 min. Most likely a troll, so this SHOULD BE the only post going on about them, no harassment (who am I kidding it's inevitable) or anything, just putting out what I am currently seeing


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I have no fucking clue what all is going on or how this all started so I can't say I'm with you, or against you.

Let's hope that we can


we can start the revolution, we can make a start to a more positive community, this has gotten worse than the undertale community... but we still gotta try

teah me niether, how tf do the sprite sheets work

What were ya thinkin' there? leaving? "Can't beat 'em join 'em"?

You can do it if you want, I mean I will be using it if you do, but you do what you wanna do

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Edit:Wait I just realized bf is making the OwO smile through out... RESPECT FOR THE GOOD BOIS

Yeah, only trolls and people that don't understand how helping the community works, not calling out names... but just saying

Let's try to start a more, positive, chapter in this community, and as someone who is barely on the site, heh, I can only give the idea, though I might get back into the swing of things

All these people leaving, heh, not much we can do, people take breaks, then come back... and with this community, That's not too good of an idea



Very poggers, will this be a mod?

Damn, not much has changed since I last checked, welp, hope to god that these cry babies go away

I dunno, I'm a man that just doesn't do shit here at itch

Wait so what chapter are we in with the toxic as hell fnf community?  We still in the "9 y/o redemption" arc with all the mods being taken down?

No, I will not participate, I'm good, Imma leave now proceeds to create a portal, goes through it and seals it, making sure no one can go in back

I... Imma just... get away from the horny bitch


Y not

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Tankman is just old news until the week becomes downloadable, it's going to come either with week 8, or once Ninja muffin finds out how to make this shit downloadable w/o having to re-do almost the entire game... or finish the extra features like note colors and what not

Huh, there goes my mask, throws off corrupted mask ight, imma head out! hops through a conveniently placed portal

Huh, al'ight, proceeds to sing rap god perfectly like a normal fnf bot

I'm just that one person that comes at random

It's a fighting game, you should try it out!

But... why?

One of those trolls most likely

Ok wait, by "SG" you don't mean Skullgirls do you? Because I have not heard of any community specific drama in that commuity, and the games are good (PC/Console and mobile).

He's my Hollow knight OC

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Here are 2 of the charts I made, 

Dreams of Roses x Roses

Roots (my take [of charting it])

That's mine, did you NOT READ my reply, I said I saw 1 postwent through 3 pages, and It was my post that I saw