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A member registered Jan 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm way behind, but not hopelessly. Hoping to get some more done tomorrow.

It doesn't show up on the page. What is it?

I want to make a 3d game, for which I need an engine. Is that ok?

great idea had right off the bat! feeling good about this.

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nice game overall, good concept with the smashing your enemies into asteroids, a bit too difficult.  enemies should have more predictable movements. Oh also would be 10000000% better with sounds & music.

I said that might happen. I promise it isn't one. I am not quite sure how to get rid of that, you might have to turn some important antivirus stuff off to play. Sorry.

needs less beepy noises. I thought I hated it until I realized how long I had been playing it.

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The controls are a bit clunky and the game is a bit too short with not much replayability. Maybe different enemies? Nice music tho.

Loved the powerups, and the drifty blue things, but I think that there should be some sort of checkpoints so you don't have to go all the way back when you die, and I think that the bird-moth-bullet-things should not be allowed to just get on your level and chase you and stay there so they are unavoidable.

I was gonna add music, just didn't have enough time. You are probably also right about the speed, could have been fine-tuned. But again, ran out of time.

No, this is the good kind of trolling. I am sorry if you misunderstood, I am not accusing you. Also, the enemies aren't that huge of a problem, I just thought I would point them out.

Check your sprite sheets, the transparency is off and you can see the box around the enemies. Also, you are a massive troll.

The trouble with that is then it would be too easy. It is really supposed to be difficult, and you DEFINITELY aren't supposed to get it on the first try. A small indication might be a good idea if I could make it small enough, which would be hard. All in all, good idea in theory, probably would not work in practice.

what does this have to do with not enough information?

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Malwarebytes said it was good for me, and windows defender... well... is windows defender. Also, It is supposed to be hard, and I only got it on the first try like twice ever. Thank you for the feedback tho. Much appreciated.

edit: malwarebytes found malware only in the version downloaded from here, not my copy. Something fishy is happening.

that is not the first time this has happened. I wonder if it is a virus secretly. I know I didn't put one in. try disabling your malware checks for the game and re-inabling them when you are done. also, In my comment I was referring to the fact that your game does not really adhere to the theme. Great graphics tho.

Love most of the game, but is this really about Not Enough Information?

Thank you for the compliment. I find the antivirus thing strange because I put it through SEVERAL scanners and they found nothing. This is very interesting, but I promise I did not build malware into it.

keep trying, you'll get one!