a webtoon.... one day......
Huh okay wait try this
Thanks for wanting to join thoo WAHH
Hello Asma! So I have bad news... I don't think I actually can put coalesce up in browser due to its large files (putting games on browser has a file limitation unfortunately, this is why I can't put all of my games up...)
I can offer some other alternatives like watching gameplays (even though there's only like one completed gameplay vid of this one LOL), but other than that, I don't think I can help, really sorry for the inconvenience 😭
Oh my god thank you so much for sticking around since 2022 and for enjoying my works! Your words are definitely a high praise and I'm very honored to be hearing all of it!
Both my art and stories are always things I'm admittedly pretty insecure of. With my art, I constanty look over at my peer's with envy and I keep looking at my own as lesser thans. The same thing sometimes happen with my storytelling. There was a point where I wanted to stop developing wttfm altogether (not that I'd have the heart to do it when I've sunk in so many effort into it LOL), but I'm ultimately glad I didn't. I've been working on dispelling away that destructive mindset though, and comments like yours always makes me be able to appreciate my own stuff a bit more!
So believe me when I say that your comment genuinely does mean a lot to me and I thank you for your continued support until now! I wish you nothing but the best in your own life and endeavors! I hope to be able to continue creating stories that can entertain you throughout it!
(spoilers below)
Yeah you're right about Ichigo! The only reason he kills is to silence people so Aimi doesn't know! Daigo was also really fun to write, I just wish I had the time and willpower to actually do it 😭😭
And omg PuCo artbook..... so exciting!!! I myself personally use figma for my artbook and just my usual drawing software for my comics (firealpaca). But Figma is honestly more of a UI/UX design software that I kept using to make other stuff instead since it's very convenient for me. I'd say you can use canva for your gamebook if you want efficiency and simplicity! If you want to go crazy... maybe adobe indesign or adobe illustrator LOL, it's very overkill but the option is there!
I absolutely had a blast reading this!! Thank you so much for going out of your way to type this and I'm very glad that you enjoyed it!
Your theories even before the reveals are so good. Catching all of those inconsistencies between the lines in the prologue and Caleb's lies, you're so sharp for that, you read Caleb so well. Also, Caleb and Kaveh DOES look similar huh LMAOOO
One thing that I really enjoyed while making this game is definitely writing the relationship and the thought process for the main two (well.... main three..?). I'm happy that people have been enjoying it, too, including you! Also, saying that I'm good at drawing hands is... not something I thought I'd ever hear so YAY LOLL
All in all, I'm sorry that I can't match your long comment, very clearly written with love. I REALLY want to, but I think I'd end up saying a lot of repeated thanks and would just bloat out my message trying to fill up the word count. However, please do know that I am very VERY appreciative of it. It's comments like yours that keep me going. Hearing that my work can inspire others makes everything worth it.
Thank you for playing, thank you for your continued support, and thank you for your comment!! I wish you nothing but the best!!
Yeahh you're right about the endings, I made this as my first game and I was a total newbie at this lol. I will definitely keep it in mind though!
I really look up to and respect DDLC, so your words mean a lot. I know I'll never beat the OG and I don't intend to do so, but I still appreciate your comment! Thank you!
Ahh, I really appreciate you telling me this and I'm sorry for the lack of android port so far! I'll be trying to port it over to android, but in the meantime, I'd suggest watching a playthrough of it for the time being (there are 3 playthroughs up on Youtube if I'm right, two is with commentary and one without). I don't know if I'll be able to get it done soon and I don't want to make you wait too much! Still, I really appreciate you trying to play it and being sweet about it. Thank you so much!
I'll see what I can do! Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed what's in store! Thank you for playing!! If you like this one, I feel like you'd enjoy Sweetest Valentine (there's... a few insane people there too lol). But feel free to start whichever piques your interest!! Thank you once again!