Thank you! There's definitely a lot of ways to work this creature into a game that don't involve murder or even combat per se (though that is, as you said, always an option)
I'm glad you like it :)
This book is good, on a quick read - the stats can be converted easily enough to the system(s) of your choice, but the main piece of this book is the advice - the author describes what they made, how they made it, and what some of the challenges were. At the price point of as little as $0 for the pdf, an excellent entry into scratch bashing for tabletop games.
I'm glad you liked it! The scrolls were intended to be essentially single-use wands, and therefore share the same table, but I've just re-read the game and I never actually said that in the final version - consider this added to errata that will get fixed if there's ever an expanded version, and thanks for spotting that!