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A member registered Apr 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Don't worry! Seriously, it really catches my attention to want to play it! :D

Looks good! But.. I can't play it :( I'm on Windows

You are welcome! Rather, thank you for responding, I generally dedicate myself to leaving my opinion and criticizing games that have just been published with the desire to find interesting projects that I can talk to my audience, in particular I liked your project and I would like to see it grow a lot More, and I reiterate, thank you very much, if you need Feedback or something like that, my Development account or Discord or wherever you feel comfortable will always be at your service, you can tell me whenever you want. Thank you very much and good luck with your TTRPG! Of which I wish to see much more prosper!

It looks pretty cool! I like the mechanics it has (and especially the illustration of the Ovejas juas juas juas) But I thought it was a playable demo! I think making a version not in "Tabletop" format but one that can be played on PC would be majestic ;) Many games are needed that appeal to this type of audience, but alternatives are also needed, I really like your idea! And I am willing to help you with details or things you need Feedback ;D

Woah! Chrolla! I'm sorry for the delay in responding, it's a pleasure to have talked about your video game FATCAT ;D I will always be willing to talk about projects that I like, I would like to get closer to your developments to give you a good opinion and maybe give you some help ;) They are the best! Thank you very much for your appreciation about my short n_ n you are always welcome in them

Hey! I tried your video game, I really liked it! I think it was one of the coolest experiences in a puzzle game ;) I think you have a lot of potential dude! Extending the Laser Connect content further could be great for the game! 

I will definitely talk about him today Thursday on my YouTube channel ;) Keep it up! Take advantage of your potential as a developer!

I think adding a few more levels that exploit the mechanics you made more could be very good! I know they can provide a more intense challenge that requires more complex maneuvers! And it definitely looks like it can be a reality :D

Hey! I really loved your recreation of Air Attack! I really like these types of developments that try to bring back old classics of retro gaming today, you should continue with this, dude! You have my support ;)

¡Hey! He jugado tu juego, Zeba, me agrada mucho la estetica 2.5D que posee "Kitty Gardeners" ¡Es absolutamente lindo todo lo que posee!

Me agradaría hablar de el en shorts ;D pues creo que puede tener mucho potencial si se toma el tiempo de pulir algunos detalles que posee, ademas que posee algunos bugs de los cuales me gustaría hacerle saber de una forma algo mas directa, de poder ser posible proporcioneme un medio donde le pueda hacer ver los detalles de los que le menciono, nuevamente le recalco, su juego Kitty Gardeners esta muy bueno! Y me gustaria verlo mejorar mucho mucho mas! 

yeah! everandwatch on discord

Huh it keeps failing, apparently even though I drag and move it, it insists on wanting to go to the right and stays bugged

Don't worry! I am dedicated to helping developers so now I want to help you with whatever I can!

That sounds good! I will be attentive to see all the updates you can make ;D

lemme try it

I wish you the best in being able to fix it, I would love to talk about your game in a short about microindies, I think someone might find it cool ;) Maybe add some dancing animation, bouncing or some interaction with clicks other than dragging you through the screen would be cool!

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It worked! Although it would be necessary to explain it in the description, maybe someone will find it useful :D

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I just found a bug, when the pet reaches the edges of my monitor it disappears and when I see it in the tabs it appears bugged and it doesn't react again until I open and close the .exe, you should fix it! It's a good project :c

Yo! Looks so nice and cute <3 but i don't know how change the image, can you explain it?

Sure! Here you have the short :D It was part of my new "MicroIndies" section but I totally recommend it to my viewers ;) Keep developing!
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I LOVE this game, it is extremely relaxing to spend time watching the kittens and playing with them <3 I definitely recommend this game and I will talk about it in a short! Pls we need more about this game <3 Keep the dev! <3

I like FATCAT! I think it can be improved in certain aspects but its gameplay is addictive, I would dare to say that on mobile devices it could be a great game to pass the time :D I'm going to talk about it in a short for MicroIndies :) Continue the development!

It's fun! I like how simple it is but it doesn't make it a bad video game at all :D I would recommend improving it and continuing its development! I plan to recommend it in my YouTube shorts where I talk about short games and little-known indies ;)

Here it is! It's in Spanish because my audience is mainly Spanish speaking, but nevertheless, I hope to try their new video games soon! Good luck!

Okay! This Wednesday or Thursday it will be on my YT channel ;) If you want it, I can send you the link here or whatever you want, I hope it brings positive effects on your videogame and I wish you a lot of motivation to continue this development :D I want to see more about ScubaCat!!

Nice! Good luck on the development :) I wanna make a short to my youtube channel about indie games that I recommend, Can I show Scuba Cat? :D Maybe someone will be interested on your game!

I really enjoyed the short gameplay time! but I would like to play something like this for more hours, or that adds more variety of fish, that has some type of interesting data (such as scientific elements that attract learning about these animals) I think that would be a fantastic pleasure and I would give this game a striking and unique factor, Keep developing it! There is an incredible video game here that needs to be better known and developed :)

The concept it has is very good! The bouncing mechanic can give many interesting gimmicks to use trajectory angles, you have a good game that has the potential to be very entertaining! Keep developing it!

Acabo de terminarlo, grandioso plataformero que referencia a Sonic Rush, Pizza Tower e incluso me atrevería a decir Super Princess Peach, graficamente espectacular y he de decir, que desconocía totalmente a Shura Hiwa como Vtuber, sin embargo aun con ello el videojuego no se ve en lo absoluto menos por dicho detalle (siendo que puede ser perfectamente un protagonista cualquiera y seria absolutamente disfrutable) aunque las mecanicas de (A) (S) y (D) sobretodo la (A) con los bosses que no es del todo claro con "Las Creaturas" sin embargo con el Boss Final es muy notorio, totalmente recomendado :) Le haré un Short hablando al respecto del Videojuego en mi canal para hacerlo mas conocido. ¡Increible y deberias hacer muchos mas! ¡Tienes un talento muy bueno! 

Me parece un concepto que puede ser mejor desarrollado, no se comprende mucho el destino del conejo, las mecanicas con el click se ven muy primitivas y con una animación bastante meh, pero creo que si se desarrolla mejor puede ser un videojuego a lo mucho decente. Sigue mejorando!

I always think to make ideas to "new G&W games" but I don't have to much knowledge to copy the LCD effect, but If you continue making games about G&W I will play it and leave you a comment! :D

Yo! My fav console <3 Amazing!! Do more! 

Yeah! I got a notification about my PC warning me about the game, sorry man I really like how looks your game but idk that makes me feel unsure about play it :L anyway I wish there is not any malware inside bcse the game looks good

Yo, I analyze ur game and looks like a HEUR Trojan huh

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I really like how do you make the player feels the frustration about the F#CKING negligence about bad doctors, no checks, no listen you and never you can say something because "They´re are professionals" I like so much your game, its a piece of art and its a scream of the reality about the chronic illness, I'm sorry for you experience, but I hope you feel better now, I'm going to make a video about this game, more people need to play this and feels what the people with that issues feels, see and NEED :)