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A member registered Feb 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for making this game. I've always appreciated TCG games like YuGiOh, Magic: The Gathering & recently Hearthstone.

- It's an interesting concept with the souls being used as an economy to manage summoning and survival, I liked it but wonder how it would play mid to late game?
- I ran into some issues with navigating the menus and some of the UI being a little unintuitive, and confusing.
- Not sure if there is currently a deck system to replenish your hand, maybe it was glitch and wasn't given a new card each turn?

Overall I found it fun. Good demo of the concept!

Yeah we didn't get the time to implement sounds unfortunately. Thanks for playing. :)

Notes: It was fun experience took me 3 tries to get the hang of how the magic works.

I would say sound for feedback would be cool, maybe some awesome ambient music?

I would say the sprint feature, verses base movement could also be balanced more? There was no real reason to walk. Maybe make sprint (or magic boost) tied to mana?

Overall I found this game fun! Thanks for making it!