An indie game with (finally) an original concept out there. I can hardly contain myself. Keep up the good work!
Recent community posts
I happily bought the alpha for a dollar and enjoyed the hell out of it. However I heard you are going to change to Unreal engine 5....which makes me extremely sad. Not everyone has a rig to run UE5 games and I think it will change the way the game looks right now which is perfect to support this twisted atmosphere.
To be honest I thought I was playing a black dude, at least that was my first impression upon seeing the portrait. Based on the video I think you made some steps in the right direction. If you are hell-bent on having a heroine, then perhaps you should ask a friend (girl) and record some simple lines so there is no confusion.
(and no, I don't give a damn about liberalism, we in Central Europe think differently).
Keep up the good work, wish you great success in the future!
Peter from Hungary
It plays like the amalgam of Quake 2, Unreal, Sin, and Blood2.
Your movement is a bit wobbly, therefore your aim is wobbly too I somehow like it.
Level design is great, lot of interconnected room, feels like a maze, excellent job here.
The secrets are quite easy to find, found all of them and I'm not particularly perceptive :-) They still feel good.
Atmosphere is nice. Music is a bit repetitive but the lighting and color palette helps the immersion a lot.
Enemies do not poes a huge threat though. That jump they do is a bit ridiculous, it is as if we were on the moon :-)
All in all you really captured that RAW retro feeling.
Basic keybindings work but making E both the use button and the reload button is a bit awkward.
Also, when your character is hit you he/she(?) sounds like a cat who got her tail stepped on :)
Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your reply. I understand where you are coming from. As I said this is a very promising project, the atmosphere is perfect and the story unfolding so far is great (I like science fiction).
I am simply frustrated about the fact that you worked so hard to put this demo out and yet you did not include a save function of any kind. Playing your game over an hour just to check every nook and cranny and then suddenly I lose all my progress. There is no excuse for this, don't get offended so easily. You are a game developer, people will praise AND criticise your game. That is the way forward.
And no, the instructions are not clear at first and they disappear too soon. Maybe add an option to "press a key to continue" so that people might have some time to acknowledge what to actually do.
I don't need any "privacy policy" that is not what I was talking about the Appdata folder. I just like to have an option where I install my things...just like most people do.
Finally, I understand you but you should try to understand me. The demo is like an advertisement. This is what potential customers like me experience the first time. If the experience is bad (like losing all your progress in one second) then people will likely be turned away from purchasing this great game.
Hope it's clear where I'm coming from. I wish you great success on this project!
Really excited about this project but the fact that you cannot save and have to start all over again after you die to the monster (and it is still not clear where I'm supposed to go to hide) is just a huge turn off. Just horrible.
Also your little game installs to the Appdata folder on my system drive without questions? Bro....