The current version only applies to events, and has no functions to do the same to the player itself. Unfortunately, there are no plans to that feature at the moment =(
No problem! Guess you already found the terms, but just in case...
All my plugins have their terms of use listed in the opening lines of the help section. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, you are allowed to use it for both commercial and noncommercial projects, just be sure to credit me for it. You are not, however, allowed to sell the plugin itself or any part of its code (you may only sell a game featuring it).
I has been a long time since I last worked on this plugin, so I'm not entirely sure. However, I believe you can set the idle animation pattern with sprite indexes only to maitain the character current direction.
So, instead of setting the pattern as something like "d2i0, d2i1, d2i2, d2i1", just set it to "0, 1, 2, 1". If I'm not mistaken, that will only make the animation cycle through using the current direction the character is facing. Try it out and let me know how it goes.
I'm not familiar with the ARPG plugin... since you say if affects enemy stats, I'm assuming it uses the engine's Game_Enemy class, or at least extends it. With that in mind, if you have access to the script variable that holds the enemy data, you could probably call the "getLevel" function. For example, lets say there is some script call in ARPG that returns you the enemy object assigned to an event in the overworld... something like "arpg.getThisEnemy()"... then you would be able to just append the getLevel function after it: arpg.getThisEnemy().getLevel(). That would return you the current enemy level value.
Hope this helps solving your problem!
Let me know how it goes!
Like I wrote in a comment yesterday, I did find some bugs around the localization feature. I managed to get it fully working and published version 1.7.0 with the updates.
I also run some tests combining Visustella's Message Core and DK Tools Localization plugins, and have confirmed that the wordwrap feature works perfectly with this combination of plugins.
Be sure to check the "Compatibility Warnings" inside the plugin help section, as I've added some important notes on how things must be configured for proper compatibility with DK Localization plugin.
It took a while for me to get time to look into this, but I hope it was not too late! =)
Ok... I finally managed to get some time to look into it. I did find a bug with the Localization File datasource type, but when I solved it I created a whole lot of issues with others functions from the plugin itself. I'll working on it... just hope I manage to wrap it up before I get caught on life stuff again hehe
Hello there!
Sorry for the long silence... I have been going crazy with my dayjob, not much time left for coding lately =(
Glad to know you managed to work it out!
Just a reference if anyone else stumbles upon your question: the "Replace" command will remove all currently visible text from the book, and make visible only the text index you point out on the command. If the index you provide has no text, then the book will be shown empty in the text window. However, if what you want is to add another chunk of text to be shown (instead of replacing all of it), you should use the "LibraryData TextUpdate key Add index" instead!
Just keep in mind that the provided index must have a text assigned for it in your datasource, be it an external JSON file or the Plugin Manager. If the index does not exist or has no text, the plugin will simply assume there is nothing to display.
Hey there.
It's been a while since I last worked with this plugin, and even more time since I last reviewed this specific part of the code. However, by reading DKTools page on their plugin and taking a quick look at my code, I think you might need just a small change to get it working.
From what I gathered, DKTools use tags with a single pair of {} around it to replace the texts... right? Does it work with json files for each language set?
First, you need to make sure you have objects defined in each language file with the same structure as a single dedicated external json file for book data. This is important, as that is what the plugin will actually use to find the correct text to use. You are getting an empty text because the plugin didn't find any data for the given tag.
Second, set TAA_BookMenu 'Localization Escape Code' to {{key}} (with two pairs, and no '#' at the beginning as is its default). That because my plugin will replace the {key} with the object path for each component of the scenes (categories, titles, book texts, and so on). For example, it will process the tag and replace it with "{library.books.BookTitle1.title}" to get to the "Book Title 1" title text ({key} will be replaced by library.books.BookTitle1.title, so it will then run the tag {library.books.BookTitle1.title} through the localization plugin to find the correct language text for it).
Hope this is of any help!
I can't promise anything, unfortunately. I've been having a crazy time at my dayjob and have been unable to keep up with my plugin coding. I'll keep it in my notes to take a look at this plugin you mentioned whenever I can, but I really can't tell when that will happen, and if I'll be able to provide compatibility with it =/
Hi there!
It seems the plugin did not initialize some of its core objects as expected. I may probably be related to a compatibility issue with another plugin. The error from your print indicates that the init function has not been run correctly, probably because another plugin overwrote the initialization plugin and discarded my changes.
I would recommend placing TAA_EventOffset further below the plugin list, or, ideally, disable other plugins gradually to find out which one is causing compatibility issues.
Hi there!
You can disable 8 directions by turning off the "Enable 8 Directions" parameter in the Plugin Manager. However, I have not tested and cannot support 8D with other plugins, since it's just too many things to consider to make my plugin compatible. I would recommend using the feature provided by the plugin.
To use the 8 directions, just make sure the "Enable 8 Directions" parameter is turned on, and that your spritesheet is compliant with the layout defined in the the "8 Dir Layout" parameter. Also, the spritesheet file name must contain the "[d8]" tag. Please read through the "8 Directions Sprites" in the help section for more details.
Unfortunately, I am unable to create a sample project or work on new features / plugins for a while. =(
If you mean instructions on how to load and activate the plugin in the engine, try taking a look at the official forum, as there are a great variety of tutorials that may help you: https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php
But if you mean instructions on how to use the plugin after installing it, you can read the documentation either in the Plugin Manager interface after loading the plugin, or by opening the file in a text editor and reading the help section (which is the same text that is displayed in the Plugin Manager interface).
The plugin works by applying a state to the party member you want to cover. So, you could create a skill that targets a single ally, and the player can then use it on Actor 1 to cover for him only.
However, if you mean to create a skill that covers only a specific actor, not allowing it to cover anyone else, then I think you won't be able to do that with just my plugin, at least with the current version.
Hi there!
The demo, unfortunately, is not 100% reliable for MZ reference, as I use a sort of a "hack" to have a single demo for both versions.
However, I just run a test with MZ 1.7.0 with a pure MZ project (loaded with some of my plugins only), and I was successfuly able to change fonts registered in the core database (as indicated in the image below). So if you use the engine's font customization features you should be able to use your custom font with the plugin. Keep in mind that the default "Game Font" refers to the Main Font and Number Font files specified in this menu (if I'm not mistaken).
Sorry I wasn't able to respond sooner =/
Anyway... in case anyone else stumble into this thread looking for the same thing, I did run some tests and it should work fine. You just need to add another command right after those I described to actually start using the new default pose. So the complete set of commands would be like this:
SetDefaultPose 1 ReidKnight SetDashPose 1 ReidKnightDash SetIdlePose 1 ReidKnightIdle SetPose 1 ReidKnight
Sorry for the delay... I've been having little time to code and check on my messages =(
Ok... that is the behavior I expected. Reviewing my plugin's code, I think there may be a way to work around this without adding new code. It requires you to execute a few commands each time the class is changed, and you need to configure the alternate character sheets as new poses.
Let's say you have a sheet for the walking animation for Reid as a Knight (the default class), and another for Reid as a Mage. Setup a pose for each class (let's call them ReidKnight and ReidMage). Do the same for running and idle poses (ReidKnightDash, ReidKnightIdle, ReidMageDash, and ReidMageIdle).
Then, every time the character changes into the mage class call the plugin commands (or use script calls) to change the character default pose:
SetDefaultPose 1 ReidMage SetDashPose 1 ReidMageDash SetIdlePose 1 ReidMageIdle
The same when turning back into a knight:
SetDefaultPose 1 ReidKnight SetDashPose 1 ReidKinghtDash SetIdlePose 1 ReidKnightIdle
If you use the blinking feature, just have sheets for ReidKnight_blink and ReidMage_blink, for example, and be sure to set the blink pose with the %{char} tag (like %{char}_blink), so that the plugin will look for an image file according to the character file name.
I have not tested this though... I'll try to do it as soon as I'm able to, but if you manage to test it before please let me know the results!
I've tried replicating the issue on my test project with no success. I've tested a few different settings and nothing resulted in the behavior you described, there is always a single book entry here.
Can you share your settings?
Are you using the Plugin Manager or an external JSON file as source?
If it were possible for you to share link to a test project with the issue present it would also make it a lot easier to troubleshoot.
Being it a Visustella plugin makes things a bit more complicated, since their code is obfuscated (and I can't look into it to adapt mine for a perfect compatibility).
However, looking at their plugin instructions, I think I may be able to do something so that checking their code would not be necessary (which may probably work for other plugins providing this same class change feature). Since it is a paid plugin though, I'm unable to run proper testings at this time.
But tell me something... when you try to use CharacterPoses with Visustella's plugin, what happens?
It changes spritesheets successfully (just not taking into account the class change)? Or does Visustella's plugin prevent poses from working entirely?
If the spritesheets are swaped when a pose is triggered, I may be able to add some keywords to make them compatible (so that you can work with class changes). On the other hand, if the answer to the last question is true, than there's little I can do alone =/
Hello there! Sorry for the delay, I was without access to my PC for a few days...
Can you tell me (or send a link) to this other plugin you use?
I would need to take a look at how it works to see what can be done...
I have been having little time to code lately, and I already have a backlog of fixes, enhancements and new plugins, but I can definitely take a look! This plugin is one of my favorites, I would be happy to enhance it! XD
Sure, it was a rather simple thing actually. The engine has a feature which automatically parses note tags into an object inside the event called "meta". The SpeechBubble plugin didn't look for the note tag itself, it looks for the tags in this meta object.
The problem was that the way my EventTemplates plugin used to load the template event into memory skipped this automatic parse that creates the meta object, so when the SpeechBubble plugin looked for it in the event which loaded a template it wouldn't find the object and crash. What I did was make sure the templates had the meta object properly set when they are loaded into memory! =)
Hello there!
In theory there should not be any conflict with other notetags, as the only thing the plugin does is run a regular expression on them to check if there is a template tag present. I'll take a look at it over the weekend to figure out what is happening.
Just a question though... the bubble tag is set in the template event, or in the source event that references the template with note tags?
I'll need that info to try and replicate the issue properly! :)
Hi there!
Is the List Window "hide unread books" enabled? If so, books will only be displayed after you mark them as read with plugin commands.
In theory, using the cyrillic (or any other type of alphabet) should not be a problem. I have never tested it though, so I would not rule out this possibility completely. The plugin has no restriction to using book titles or categories containing multiple words. The only thing is that when using the plugin manager as source the plugin automatically trim out blank spaces to convert the title in the book key to be referenced in plugin commands. For example, if you name your book "Это тест" (used google translate here hehe), when using a plugin command to read it you would call it "Этотест" (that applies on both MV and MZ). The title displayed on the menu is the one with blank spaces, you just need to remove them for the plugin to locate it.
Let me know if this solves your issues. If not, I may need your help setting up a test project replicating them so I can take a look. I checked on my sample project and was unable to find anything (using western alphabet though).