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Taboo Collection

A member registered May 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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yes, I hope this year to bring out a continuation that I have written, I will do it after uploading the one I'm working on, so I think it will be for the second half of the year.

sorry, I don't have it anywhere else.

I'm sorry, that engine doesn't allow me to do it, that's why I changed, and adapting it is a job that doesn't excite me, I have new projects much more interesting for me and all of them will be released for Mac.

thanks, the button on pc is the ‘H’ for hide, on android I don't think there is no way :/

You're absolutely right, the second part I'm working on has that, and an unexpected twist seen from another perspective, I'm very excited and hope to have it ready in October.

I'm sorry I can't help you with that, I couldn't find another way, for me it's also complicated and makes it very easy for me.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game... I love those situations that are conducive to breaking barriers, sometimes we just need a push and I love giving them in my games, it's traveling to that alternative universe where for x circumstance happens what could not happen, and not only that but a fantastic hidden paradise is discovered hahaha, greetings.

oh friend, somehow I have to finance the project to be able to dedicate the necessary time to it, anyway I am working on a new one that will be free, which I will be developing adding content often, stay tuned. 

It is not in my plans to give it for free, it will continue to maintain its price and will also continue to grow with new mechanics and more content.

Thank you, I also intend to incorporate the characters from my next VNs into this game, in future updates

Thank you for your comments ❤️, glad you liked it.

Hello, I was investigating and I see that the error you tell me about is recurring with the engine I use, it has the export option but it is deficient and I could not find a solution. Because of this and other issues, I will change the engine for the next games I develop, the one I am learning (godot) has more and better documentation and they say it works well on Linux. I'm sorry I didn't see it before, but I thought the bug could have been fixed in the last update, but it wasn't. I will be attentive in any case so that when the engine improves this issue I can incorporate it into the games that are already there. Thank you for your comments

Yes, in this game it is necessary to save the game, since it has a difficulty that prevents you from finishing it alone in one session.

Sure, wait for me a few days and I will upload a test version

Thank you ❤️, that's exactly why I needed to do something like this, there's so much to explore in the possibilities offered by videogames that just thinking about it excites me.

❤️ Thanks to you for the support 🫡

Thank you, it's good that you liked it ❤️

thanks ❤️, I will do it and I'm always trying to add something more, the one I'm developing now has a more playable system, you'll see.

The control is touch, to advance dialogue and make decisions. I did not see the need for a save menu because it is an express game, however I see that it may be necessary at some times, so I will add it in a update. Anyway the scenes seen are registered to be seen again in your menu.

A series of spicy moments are on the way ❤️‍🔥, just wait for me with some calm, to make it pretty. But don't worry, I will release the update, and I hope it will be soon.😉

Thanks ❤️, I'm glad you liked it, I love these themes too. And I will improve my English, I promise 💪, to be able to update this game. Maybe along with the expansion, which apparently I will have to develop.🙌🫡 

Thanks ❤️, I will work on improving the translation to avoid grammatical errors, now I have a new method, I will apply it in the next one and then I will update this one to make it better.

thanks ❤️, hope you like it

Play it, it's short, thanks to that, in 2 more days I'll upload the next one to the collection. In case you like this game, you know.

Thanks❤️, now I'm working on another really fantastic story 🫣, one of those coming soon. And from what I am seeing, I will have to continue this story, apparently they like it, and I think about developing continuations of the most beloved stories. Greetings.

Hello, ❤️ thanks for your comments, I really wanted to make a short game and do without a menu, and that does not require saving or loading. An express experience. And in that way work on a collection. Of course, for the most beloved games I will develop future continuations. It all depends on the reception of each story. I intend to put out a game every week. And the grammatical errors... it's something I have to improve, I'll make an effort to improve my translations and I'll study the language better 🫡, greetings.

Check it here, I left it hosted to download from right here. greetings.

Thanks, but I made an effort and released a version, play it 👀

Hello, yes, I'm finishing a menu update for this one. Then I will make an English version of this. Check tomorrow 😉

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Gracias por tus comentarios ❤️ me motiva 💪, y si, tengo todo el animo de seguir sacando juegos y hacer esta colección realidad. Por lo que tu dices es que quiero sacarlo en ingles en estos días😉. Pero siempre primero en español que es lo mío🙌. Y por lo cortito y sencillo jajajaja es la consecuencia de un trabajo fracasado que tuve, demore medio año, para mas de 7 horas de juego y no lo jugo nadie🫠 ... ese juego ya es un tabú para mi 😂, al baúl del olvido... Me gusta mucho más este proyecto 😉

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Gracias por tu comentario❤️ ¿En la ducha?... Demas que sí, es que imagínate lo insatisfecha que esta, el difunto lamentablemente estaba enfermo crónico, esos no cogen bien, ¿Cuántos años estuvo así?… y ahora que puede… la cosa se va a descontrolar, se va a poner intensa, no tiene nada que perder. El menú de escenas va en los próximos y actualizare este también. Y la segunda parte… ahora estoy trabajando en uno de los “próximamente”, no te lo digo para que sea sorpresa, pretendo sacarlo esta semana, cuando lo termine veré cual sigue, considerare la segunda parte de este a la hora de decidir. Saludos.  

Gracias por tu comentario❤️, me anima a seguir trabajando🙌. Tomare tus recomendaciones, lo incluiré en el que estoy haciendo ahora y pretendo terminar esta semana para subirlo 💪, lo de la galería de escenas vistas y el avanzar rápido lo dejaría mucho mejor, tienes razón😉. Y luego haber si actualizo este también con eso, debo ver bien como hacerlo y que quede bonito. Saludos.