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A member registered May 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Reasonable. Thanks for answering

Is the giant mantis boss fuckable? I remember that a few versions back you could unlock a cutscene with her, but now I can't seem to trigger it. Also, the beach scene just appeared in my Grimoire, without triggering as a cutscene

best gaem eve

This command does not work, it says that it needs 3 arguments, got 2

How to load Fortress when playing as Crystal? I want to have 2 ultras at a time and when i type /mut Fortress or /mut fortress it can't find this skill

How to open the mod in-game?

I actually copied the whole folder, used /load <foldername> and it somehow worked, but thanks for the answer.

How to load the skin into the game?


i mean i also beat it but i cant get 100% on it

lvl4 is unbeatable

whats a tundra skip?

yea it is

4 not 3

will it be a full game?

pls explain

How to play with "w" controls?

set cpu on easy

Thanks, works! :] Really nice work!

Can you tell me how to fix it?

(2 edits)

Really nice game, probably one of the best I have ever played, but i have problem with loading saved games.  It has been like that for very long time! On this white stripe on right side game is displayed. Loading screen blocks display of content!