It doesn't have to be fixed in some days, I'm fine if it takes some week, it's just that I was happy to play it xD So what happens is: When I press on "Begin New Game" seconds later on a black screen the text: "Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Program Files (x86)\....\prowler-windows\www\save\persistent.rpgsave' For more information, push F8" appears. Even If I press F8 nothing happens..and I don't know what to do. I already tried to open the game as an admin.
(Edit)...Nevermind...Now I tried to start it again and this time it worked...I really did nothing different, but now it worked...I guess I just mixed something up? idk...but now it worked after i started it as a admin. Still thanks for your help and Happy New year :D