Thank you so much!
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Kia ora e hoa, ka aroha, so sorry for my immense delay in response! Thank you for your kind words! In regard to your pātai, I think that while the state that this game puts you in this game can be an emotional, intense one, perhaps indeed verging on the feelings of taputanga, eating and drinking while playing is no more transgressing boundaries of tapu than any other intense conversation :) You have my blessing to eat and drink while playing! Mauri ora
Hi Logan! I finally got around to doing a playthrough of this fabulous game and had the best time ever! I really enjoyed the reflection questions at the end, and getting to tell a story about my plucky young moorhen and all the friends they made out of the humans coming to the wetland! I wrote up my playthrough here, if you're interested :) thanks for the great game!
Thank you so much for these comments and your kind words! Reading your playthrough was so delightful, I love Yik so much, a force of mischief to be reckoned with!
I truly am in love with your game! Gonna go write a more indepth comment there, but please know that I am honoured to have inspired such an amazing game!
In my heart, we are gently frolicking through a wetland together, appreciating the beauty of it!
Kia ora, hi, Fe! Thank you so much! I appreciate you reading my games, and your kind words!
That's amazing, there need to be more cool swampy/boggy/wetlandy games in the world, and I'm glad to find someone else who's creating another!
Thank you so much for that offer too. These 3 wetland games are my first ever, so I'm definitely learning lots about layout very quickly, and will definitely keep you in mind for future projects! Appreciate the support very much.
Mauri ora, thanks again!
- Riwhi