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Taki Wacky

A member registered Oct 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback,

I did want to do all those things, but i did not have enough time:

Score was originally there, and i really wanted to do it, but it sadly didn’t work ):

I don’t know why but WEBGL crashed everytime i booted it up, so i removed it.

The background should speed up, but very slowly.

I like the idea of the game, really addicting!  

Game starts to get repetitive, but overall it is pretty fun!

You didn't incorporate the theme in the game. 

Thank you! To answer your question about the platform one, you need to hold Shift to sprint. I added those things so the game won't be as easy.

10/10, voted everything 5 stars

I have a team consisting of a music designer and me (a developer), but for the Jam another developer will help us

My discord: Taki Wacky#9242


Hi, not the best game developer here, but I can really use some help for music. I can make music myself, just not good like you, I saw your channel and you are amazing!

I could use someone as you in my team :)

I can program in Scratch and Unity!

Double click "fairnsquare.exe" to run the game!

But it is a triangle game...


what update is it??