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A member registered Jan 05, 2019

Recent community posts

Hello. I can't talk to Dr. Nadine. I go to the safe house and click on her picture, but my actions isn't acknowledge. She doesn't talk, nothing happens. Do I have to wait or complete another task? What should I do?

Okay thank you. I thought that was the issue. :)

You may have to zoom in on it. I'll send a better pic.

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I have the 4 blood bags, but the sewer lady says I don't have it. Also, I don't have room in my inventory with the cellphone and soap. So, what do I do now?

Okay thank you!!! :)

Hello. I cannot seem to get past a quest called observing the infected with Damien. Even though, I visited Naomi several times and recorded everything. Therefore, I cannot make the safe house with him either.

Okay thank you so much!

Hello again! Just wondering who can be my baby daddy (living partner) in the game?

Thank you! :)

Yes I think the talking part is the problem. When I search for Norman at the port and I find him, he just seats there in the background then the mini-game freezes. Then I go back out and into the mini-game again and it does the same thing all over again. It's done this over ten times.

Yes tried that and it's still not working. It keeps freezing when Norman pops up on the screen so I exit and go back in and it freezes again when I find Norman. I don't know how to pass the Norman quest.

I'm using Windows and no, my character is not hungry or tired. Oh I figured it out. Just go in and out of the sewer until I find Norman. It's somewhat working. 

Oh I found it. Thank you! Also, now I'm stuck on the find norman in the sewers quest. It just stops searching after a while and the game freezes. 

I love the game! I was jut wondering how do I customize my home? I cannot seem to find the button.

There is a bug that causes shows to cancel on their own. :/

Hello.  I found a bug that occurs when I make a tv show. Sometimes the game automaticly cancels my tv show and when I click on the tv button sometimes I can't see the shows I do have in progress. I can only see my cancelled shows. Thankl you and great game! I can't wait for the full version. 

Oh thank you. That worked.

I can't relaunch a show. I finished the concept and production work, but then I can't select the relaunch button.

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I love this game. Please continue. I just have one suggestion. Can you please increase the font size and maybe change the color? That  would  make it easier to read. :)

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I never read a visual novel where I liked all the romance options. I really have no words for how beautiful it is, but it's . . .beautiful. Please, make the full version. Don't give up on this game. This could go down into the best visual novel romance game history.