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A member registered Feb 28, 2022

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I honestly really dislike this portrayal of a rape victim. As a victim myself i guess I was hoping for this to be a cathartic experience essentially for other victims, but it appears to be more of power fantasy to be explored from the perpetrators perspective.

There is no commentary on trauma, the mc seems largely unchanged by anything happening to her and the people around her don't do anything significant to help her. Every time a picture is shown of the aftermath it automatically gets widened, as though this were something the player desired, and they got a trophy as a reward. The body of the victim shows no signs of restraint. Things like crying get mentioned, but we never actually SEE the mc in pain, or any signs of physical abuse (Which would obviously make real life models questionable as the medium to present this)

Obviously I am biased, and not the target audience. However I believe there can be space for both fetishising horrible experiences and tackling those themes with empathy for the victims (games like  "Out of Touch" and "Lessons in Love" come to mind as still heavily flawed, but certainly better examples. As well as the novel "lolita", which is both used by frankly freaks to justify dreadful behaviour, but which still leaves space for victims to find themselves in the story, and use it as a tool to begin their healing process)

Obviously expecting huge rewrites of the game is quite unreasonable, but I'd hugely appreciate it if the game made it extremely clear, that rape is not just a theme that is being tackled in this game, but that it is openly fetishised.

During the rumor event I got this line of error messages. I guess this happened because I'm playing as an asexual character who just didn't do anything rumor worthy. Is this gonna lead to any further bugs, or can I just ignore this and move on?

The Error messages: 

Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'type') 1

<<set _p to setup.Events.pick_person({attitudes: ["lust"], desiredrelationships: ["rival", "hatefuck", "fuckbuddy", "indifferent"], type: "student", rumor: true, notfriend: true, inclinations: setup.archetypes.inclination_sets.bragger})>>

 Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'species') 1

<<set _boygirl1 to setup.people.pronouns(_p).youngnoun>>

 You hear a hushed conversation, and glance up in time to see Lesly Gentry give a somewhat tall casually-dressed red-haired college girl a nudge. Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'witnessed') 1

<<set _rumor to setup.people.juiciest_rumor(_p)>>

 "I Error: <<=>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'desc') 1

<<= _rumor.desc>>

," she whispers to the girl.

The girl laughs. "I believe it." Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') 1

<<run setup.people.transfer_rumor(_p2, _rumor)>>

 Her eyes sweep quickly around the room, meeting yours and then flicking away.

Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'strength') 1

<<set _humil to 5 * _rumor.strength>>

 You feel your cheeks heating. Were they talking about you?