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A member registered Jan 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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After 3 years we are finally back with more Mia in our new visual novel!

(2 edits)

Super cute looking game, I love it! UI, 3D assets and music all fit together, gameplay is easy to understand and fun to play.  Everything is super polished, you did an amazing job for your first game jam! I hope more people get to play your game!

(My highest time was 3:32, that Mech21 Games person is really good at this!)

A short but nice experience, love the ship layout , and the atmosphere was on point with the way the light changed!

Heyo! I already wrote something at the ludum dare website,  so I'm just gonna copy paste it here because honestly, I'd love to see this game get more popular!

When I first opened the game and saw the title screen and menu I was already impressed, after playing it I can confidently say that his game is absolutely outstanding. Was a bit difficult at the beginning, but the challenge makes you want to come back and learn how the game really functions, what the best strategies are for getting the orbs, and what you should absolutely not do unless you want to die quickly.

The art and animations are very cute, I love the little orbles ^^ The Purants are quite scary, I love how you can feel the weight and impact as they get closer, you really conveyed how important their approach is! Very nice music and sound effects, it sounds very cute when your orriors attack.

So far this is the best Ludum Dare game I played, you did an incredible job!

Pretty cool game! Something I most enjoyed was your music choice, it really fitted and enhanced each scene, which allowed me to get immersed into the story and characters. (The quizz was so funny after I realized the pattern xD) 

Also, clever use of some of the unused characters from our other Galactic Speed-Dating, I was very excited to see how you turned my original art into pixel art, I was very surprised at the level of detail on Dius.

This is such a neat idea! I very much enjoyed training my ears with this (and noticing how bad I am haha). The simple pixel artstyle is also very nice to look at. Will you add more game modes in the future?

Nice game! There's lots of potential for it, with a bit of polish and clearer instructions you can make something very cool out of it.

I like the creepy atmosphere from the two levels, and that flying drone model looks really cool, it even moves its legs!

The animation of the gates opening is very satisfying and the models look quite awesome

You got some nice puzzles, it's really cool to have more than one solution per level!

It's really fun to jump around and shoot candy :) 

The artstyle makes this game very distinguishable from the other submissions!

I really like the aesthetics, the smooth control of the biker and the slow down effect when hitting a car!