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A member registered Jan 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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It's a very simple game but I liked it

ty for the feedback


I loved this game, it had a nice charm, and even if I didn't understand it, I enjoyed the voice acting.

i enjoyed. very good. very tasty. the mechanics were nice and cool and good. I appreciate the crystal that shot out a thing. I still don't know what the flashlight does though.

m o l e

love the game, the millennial part just kept tripping me up.

Overall, good slightly overused concept. Physics are a bit wonky. I wish there was more meat to the game.

Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. But obviously he's never played blobby boi so here goes attempt 114.

Also nice game.

"I LOVE IT"  - not soggytoast

I love the game, the art is great, the music is great, the mechanics are great.

my only complaint is the sword fighting between you and the regular sword enemies.

Thank you, I appreciate it and hope I can continue to meet your expectations at least...

this is for a game jam

Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it.

I'll definitley look into it, although in my playtesting i havent found this bug yet. Thanks for reporting this bug though.