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A member registered Dec 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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that was the plan. I also wanted to have aspect ratio get worse as you play and this means I can alter it on the fly without causing graphical problem

Can it run in a standard ratio screen then have artificially added black bars to simulate a different ratio

Hey guys I would like some feedback on my game.

Miles Dauntless, Space Detective


I'd like feedback on:

  • Level design/layout
  • Difficulty
  • Plot
Its probably obvious but after the point where a certain character is arrested I rushed the story to reach the Jams deadline, that is not the actual ending I had originally planned.

I am also planning on doing a short video series on our YouTube channel doing let's plays and showcasing a few games from the Jam, if anyone wants me to do theirs then let me know, other wise ill pick a few at random. It will only be a 5-10 minute segment per game. My stuff on the channel has been lacking since Xmas so its time I got back into it.

Its not perfect but it's done

I'll post final thoughts in the morning as I've been up all night

Well, 1 day to go. Im not sure im going to get this finished. Ive decided to streamline the story a little bit to hit the deadline, but i definitely plan on going back and completing this game the way I originally intended, its just going to take a bit longer than 2 weeks.

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The plot is coming along nicely, only 3 days left, time for the crunch!

Got loads more work done over the last few days. Finally got the entire framework and background stuff out of the way, now its just story.

I even have a short demo available.

It may need a minute to load properly, and is probably still full of bugs.

A few screenshots of work done so far.

Miles's office has a hologram generator that turns everything noir so he can look out over a fake city and give monologues.

I still need to get the parallax backdrops and windows done, to better give the appearance of being on a spaceship.

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Thanks everyone

Some minor plot issues have come up, but I'm getting a friend to help out as she is a writer. The game has shifted to something like who framed roger rabbit crossed with Star Trek.

I'm part way through eventing the opening sequence which I've decided to call, the case of who drank the last of the coffee, kind of a mini tutorial.

This is going to be brief, I imagine most of my progress will just get thrown up on twitter but ill try to update here when i can.


You are Miles Dauntless, the one and only detective on board the Goddard, a Generation ship half way through its 210 year mission to found a colony in a distant star system. You spend all your days solving simple thefts, searching for lost items and generally keeping the piece. When a crime, neither you or the ship has seen before, drops in your lap, Murder.


Keeping it simple, apart from a few bits and pieces (the detectives fedora) I will be using the default and DLC assets included with RMMV.

I'm not sure on music yet, I kind of want a mix of 1940's noir and scifi if that's even a thing.


The game takes place entirely on the Goddard, you have to travel around searching for clues and talking to witnesses, so far im planning on having 10 suspects.

Ultimately I would like to have the criminal randomly generated for each game, but for the sake of the 2 week limit im going to stick to a fixed murderer.


I plan on putting a couple of hours a day into this for the first week as ill also be working full time, but from the 11th im off work so I can get way more done.