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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much!! I was doing my best to make sure that everything could at least gel together given the fact I was working with other assets, so its nice to hear that it all worked out. :) Thank you for taking the time to play and comment!

Thank you! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the experience. :)

Japanese words are definitely hard to type out rapidly and consistently. Thank you very much for taking the time to play and comment!

Yeah I saw that happening a bit too after I submitted... but no way to change it now I guess HAHA. Thank you for taking the time to play it and comment regardless! Appreciate it loads. :)

Thank you very much!! Appreciate you taking the time to play and comment. :)

Thank you! Typing does indeed take up a lot of concentration than one expects which is why I also opted not to go too heavy on the feedback/effects, so no worries. Glad to hear you enjoyed it regardless. :)

Thank you! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the chill vibes~

Thank you! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the easter eggs. :)

Thank you very much! Glad to hear that you enjoyed it. :)

The order is random every time you play so yeah, it is very much random. My original idea was really just the prefectures and regions of Japan and the more memey stuff was sort of a last minute addition I threw in at the end when I still had a bit of time left haha. Game design/art isn't my strongest suite (I'm a programmer by trade) plus I joined this jam sort of in a moment of impulse so I was not prepared AT ALL. I'll definitely take your suggestions into consideration if I ever decide to polish this further in the future! Thank you very much for taking the time to play and comment., I appreciate it. :)

(P.S you can press Alt + Enter to toggle fullscreen!)

Thank you very much!