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Tastes Like Future! Games

A member registered Mar 08, 2014 · View creator page →

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Awesome game! Amazing visuals, and compelling narrative. Good Job!

Visually stunning, but controls could use some work. One of the most highly polished games in the whole jam. Excellent work!

Surprisingly addictive game. Surprisingly misleading title. Very challenging, but very rewarding once you get a knack for it.

I wish I understood how to play this game lol. The sound and voice acting is phenomenal, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out the gameplay. Still a great effort though!

Very intense, fun game. It took a second to figure out exactly what to do, but once you get past that it's a challenging, frenetic game with very original mechanics. 

Cool feel, and very relevant to the topic. Pretty robust for a point and click. Great work!

A bit strange, but oddly mesmerizing. Awesome music and visuals, but a bit light on gameplay. Definitely worth checking out.

Took a little bit to understand how combat works, but once you figure it out this game is super fun. The challenge ramp is a little steep, but the gameplay is a cool blend of action and strategy. Great work.

Very witty game, with a very engaging story. Fits the theme to a T. Very engaging for a text game. Super job!

Very fun game! The animations on the robot are really spectacular, and gameplay is very addictive. Dodging enemy fire is a bit tricky with movement in 1 dimension, but gameplay is fast paced and challenging. Awesome work!

Updated with new content!

Good Call!