thank you
Tatsuki Arisawa
Recent community posts
I have a question for the developer, in the end one stays with the girl with whom he relates the most or will there be a harem? postscript: is it possible in the future to include the founding captain of squad 6 Saitou Furofushi? good if possible. postscript 2: congratulations to the developer for the best Bleach adult game.
There is a little more content in the game, but for now I uninstalled it because there is not much content and it is understandable given that programming this beauty of a game is not easy, I will wait a long time to be able to install it again. postscript: my congratulations to the game developer, I hope it continues like this since the game is without a doubt the best anime game I have ever played, I hope to install the game again in the future.