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A member registered Dec 22, 2020

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Is only for purchase now.... see Patreeon for latest releases. There is no public release. :(

AWESOME.... this just made my day! So glad to see an update! Thanks for y'alls hard work I'm so excited to see continuation on this beautiful VN. <3

Just a little disappointed, got to a couple what should have been NSFW scenes that didn't happen. Was just a quick mention and background. Game informs of NSFW, yet there is not any in game. I'm loving Nerus was really looking forward only to be let down. 

Yes, love that backside view!

I LOVE this game!!
May I make a suggestion?
It would be nice if the biggest candy would self destruct, explode a load of cum and melt surrounding candies. That would be fun and give us a chance to keep scoring higher! 
Also will there be another new character that would be nice, maybe Big Foot or Chupacabra . 


When will Chapter 4 be released to public?
I would love to continue with the story! <3 

OK, Thanks I'll try that. Are there barriers to get stuck in, how can I know if I'm going anywhere.
I found a playthrough tutorial and noticed I missed a lot of areas to play through first. Thinking on restarting game from beginning if I cannot get unstuck. 
No, this is first time playing. 

Nope, map is gone, cannot tell if arrows work. I'm just stuck...... 

Need help while on Pine Island did one loop around fighting guys, got to beach/ship talked to everyone. Then reentered forest on Pine Island and now stuck with a black out screen! Music plays, can open character menu and that's all. How do I get game back? Are there hot keys to hit or something?  

I wish you the best and a super bright future a head of you! Wonderful story, love the character's. I look forward for your story to keep going, fantastic work. 

I'm glad to be a part of the Furry Fandom too, I love the VN's that are out there. So many talented furs working very hard to make so many wonderful stories! <3 

Thanks, I hope y'all do.... I agree with above. Female sexual parts are a big turn off for most gay guys! I just wanna enjoy a MALE based game, please keep it that way. 

Really enjoyed this story! Looking forward to future builds. 

Enjoying this VN I really like the theme. 
Just wanted to point out a couple things. 

The pool background has 2 human heads in the pool, could edit with a Sal peeking out of the water. 
In the story I noticed "games room" was said, where I live it's called a "gameroom" if ya wanna edit that I thought I'd point it out. 
Only did 2 routes so far and working on 3d. 

LOVE THIS, made me cry! So beautiful, keep up the wonderful work. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter. <3 

Awesome, thanks. I was wondering the same, glad I looked for advise.

Awesome, Thanks! Yeah wonderful news.

What a beautiful continuation, I'm excited for the next chapter! 

I really enjoyed this VN! Loved the characters and story plot. Did the development go inactive, I hope the story will continue. 

How do I get to start Act 2?
IDK how to continue, I've tried updating.... it don't continue. :/ 

I don't know where it stopped, had the Ambient sound effect off. When I did turn it back on after several choices it had stopped. 

Loving the story, great work!! 

I have completed Parker's & Gil's, in Lar's route now. I have an issue to report for you to look into on Saturday. When planning on what to do when going down town I chose to call Mark, then declined to answer his call back. 

Issue is the phone will not stop ringing.... keeps going all the way to the gym. I had to turn Ambient volume off in the options menu. 

Same here, it's disappointing. 

Thanks, such a bummer it's ended. I really enjoyed this, Alin is my favorite. Hopefully someday they will continue the story. I know real life gets in the way alot.

Rescue him..... is there an original version of Blackgate, or is this the only one? 

Yes, me too!!

Yup, nothing. :/

I've tried 4 times to download this, to no success. :/ Will keep an eye on this, maybe try sometime later after an update. 

FANTASTIC, love this I'm hooked! Ready for next chapter, keep up the great work. 

No game preview pictures and story screen shots. Was nothing but a white screen and some text, game broken? and not working?

Very disappointing, likely not going to go back to this.  Looks like this needs more work on gameplay and game previews on Intro Page. 

Enjoyed this very much!
Disappointed at the lack news on updates. It is like reading a very good book to find that the end is left hanging with no other book to finish the story. What is planned will there be continuation?