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A member registered Nov 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm also working on a new version, thanks for your interest ^.^

You are too kind, thank you ^.^

The next update is based precisely on exploration. Axy will be able to use Kelsy (fire, water and wind) to help Ajoora and "tease" her at the same time ; )

Even though there will be 8 other girls (one day away) Ajoora will always be the best waifu <3

Next update in a couple of months more or less. See ya ^.^

Thanks dude ^.^ 

The new version 0.4 just came out with a new minigame. Jump onto the vine under the temple to get started ; )

Of course, in dreams everything is possible ; ) I will do some polls and little by little I will add what you like most ^.^

Thanks for playing the game, dude, and sorry for the delay, I was totally engrossed in the new update.

Thanks, bro'!

There are some unaware events planned to keep your attention on the exploration... you never know when Ajoora will jump on you XD

I add a devlog on what works and what doesn't. I arranged it on the page very badly, sorry  T . T

For any other question I'm here ^.^

Sorry, I didn't realize I had disabled comments. For the rest... a couple of useful spoiler for you.

You can also turn Axy into a "pokeball" - you just need to find it before starting the erotic minigame. I'll just tell you that on the first map (where the temples are) there is a "trashcan". After that, go back to the second map and start the minigame by going under the bridge...

Have fun ^.^

Thanks, dude

I'm finishing the first part of the prologue, soon you will be able to try it ; ) I have a lot of cool stuff to show you, you'll see some good one this year ^.^

I'm sorry, dude. I've searched but still can't find a solution. It seems that Burning Soul doesn't work on the app... but if you download it "normally" on your PC it works fine ; )

All is well, bro! 

Development is progressing well but slowly, problems are never lacking. The chances of finishing within the year are increasingly low but, on the other hand, I'm adding a lot of content ; ) 

Be patient, you will be rewarded with a great prologue ^.^

Thanks, bro. I'll fix the "easy mode" bug as soon as possible (I'm currently working on the prologue and there's a lot to do) 

For the rest, I'm very happy that you're enjoying the game and that you'll also be able to play on mobile. 

See you soon ^.^

I haven't checked for bugs yet but the procedure to activate "easy mode" is the one I wrote above. (Basically if Axy gets slightly injured when closing the statue's mouth it will be more difficult to get out of Ajoora's butt because he will have an allergic reaction,  but if you insert the piece of iron into the statue it will be enough so that Axy will not suffer any injury and the allergy won't swell Axy that much)

As for the story and the characterization of the characters, I'm working hard on it because I think it's a fundamental factor in every good RPG, but I might have some bad news...

The combat system uses many keys on the keyboard, for example "q" to jump. "w" for slide, "a" for attacking with tools, "s" for attacking with magic, and many more for quality of life. With the spacebar you use the normal attack but I hope you can use the others too otherwise it might be boring to only use the normal attack to defeat enemies. In practice Burning Soul is an Action RPG, although there will be "special sections" with Axy where the fights will be turn-based like classic RPG 😉

I understand. Interesting. Some users (in the previous update) told me that the game didn't work on joiplay... it crashed completely. The fact that you can play the game is already a step forward XD 

Can you tell me what you find difficult about hard mode? Are the controls slow? Can you press some arrows or none? 

For the rest I check if there are any errors in the easy mode, in theory you should just have more time to grasp all the keys. 

Thank you for your patience ^.^

Hey, dude. Welcome back ^.^ 

Then to unlock easy mode you don't have to skip the introduction but play the "dungeon" with Axy. Before letting Axy enter the statue's mouth you must analyze the broken barrel and collect a piece of iron, this will activate easy mode😎 For the rest, maybe I misunderstood but are you playing on your phone? Burning Soul doesn't work on Android XD

Thanks for the report. 

The fact that you see the ogre and not the image of a "mysterious man" is another mistake for which I apologize (but I already fix it in the new update)

Instead the quick solution to your problem is to skip the first part of the 4th minigame and go directly to the final erotics scene. (At the beginning of the game it asks you if you want to skip the first part) 

I'll fix this bug as soon as possible  ; )

Hi ^.^ 

I admit that the commands in the "action" section are not very sensitive, at least on my PC. If you press the directional arrows too gently it may not read the command, just as the timer if you reach 1 sec may not read your command in time and proceed to defeat. 

Or is it a bug XD 

I'll take a look anyway. 

Thanks for the report ; )

Thank you, bro! 

My goal remains to share the game with as many players as possible so the paid part is very optional,  just for support me like you said. It obviously eases things up and amplifies Axy's powers during sex, but the gameplay experience (including tons of erotic/sex scenes) remains accessible to all.

 You will see that sparks in the prologue ; )

No bother, in fact, thank you ; )

Last time I just checked that the minigame starts after the intro but I didn't check if it worked, (sice it worked with the skip option) my bad XD

However I have already fixed it and this time I hope for the best ; )

Maybe, if my patrons vote for it ; )

It was probably the second minigame. I corrected it. You just have to download Burnig Soul again. 

Thanks for your patience ^.^

OK I corrected and updated. 

Now you can watch the intro of the second minigame until the end and the game won't crash when Axy enters (a little) Ajoora's butt ; ) 

Thanks again for the help ^.^

Can I ask where? 


I nominate you as my official beta tester XD 

I'll take a look but I think I deleted something that the game tries to load but can't find... Nothing complicated 😉

Sorry, I'm doing some tests XD 

Thanks for the screen. Do you remember under what circumstances it gives the error? You were talking to Ajoora, did you click on the energy balls? This has never happened to me... Which version is it? The 0.4 or the latest 0.5? 

Thanks again ; )

Thanks for trying the game ^.^ 

As for the old version (0.3) I left it by mistake, now I'm taking it off XD

Sorry for the spam guys but sometimes it takes...

I leave this page active for a couple of weeks and then I delete it, leaving room for the official one.

Enjoy the new update and thank you for your interest.

Very interesting and similar to how 
I intend to develop relationships 
with other girls. 
For the rest I won't give spoilers 😌
except that in the "house" there will
be a gym... it's important to 
strengthen the muscles to defeat 
the monsters, especially the 
buttocks XD

Axy can transform into a wolf (currently only into a wolf's penis) but you have to be my Patron, or wait for a free-for-all event to come out, or crack the game somehow XD

In 7/9 days the last part of the 4th minigame will be released. It will be the first time that Axy can transform (man, wolf or horse) and receive a good blowjob from Ajoora.

PS. if you're referring to the image on F95 it's not canonical. I made it for fun and it will never be animated until 1000 players want to see a bad dream of Ajoora XD 

For the rest Axy will take care of fucking Ajoora in many, many way 😉

An Android version is not currently planned for this year. In the future why not 😉

After the release of the prologue I will post a poll on my Patreon page to vote which girls (seen from the back cover) will be added to the game. 

The two most voted will be added.

 Obviously you will be able to consult a "guide" for each girl in which there will be written the character, the body measurements (very important XD) and the role in the gameplay (DPS, Support,  Healer,  or Tank. If they fight at close range or at a distance, if they are better at magical or physical attacks, etc.) 

Unfortunately the release of the prologue is scheduled for the end of the year... but it will be worth it 😉

Glad you like the game so far ^.^ 

As for your question... 

Short answer: yes

Detailed answer: the dream mechanic is aimed at other girls. Currently I don't think it will be available to Ajoora (the she-wolf) for lore reasons. I'm just saying that Axy can't enter "symbiosis" with her for some reason... 

For the rest, dreams can concern different themes. Orgies, strange sexual experiments, lesbians, sex with Axy or with some specific enemy, Patrons request, ecc. They will be scenes that you can skip without problems, let's say that they delve into the character of the girls, what they like and perhaps what they are afraid of...

PS. in a month at the latest the last part of the 4 th minigame will be out. Get ready for a killer blowjob 😏

Happy to hear it ^.^ 

Although the program I use has its limits, with a little imagination and desire to do interesting things can be created, and I have a lot of ideas to show you 😏

LOL! Now that you mention it, later in the game if you sex her too hard with something too big she won't be able to fight for two/three days 😅

For the rest the next update is about the REAL oral sex plus a big improvement to the experience with Axy in normal form 😉

Unfortunately it will take at least a month...

Yes, I really think it also falls into this category, but without the part that I personally find less fascinating, which is the bad end that those who are eaten suffer 😅

The best part is still missing... but yes. Let's say that, being Axy's first time, it couldn't last long... Next time it will definitely be more resistant XD