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A member registered Mar 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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I think let's plays just cut that part out ^^;

Yay new translation~

Thank you so much for the update!! I am curious to see the new add-ons coming soon 👀

For Mac you can also use Wine or create a local server with the files in the 'www' folder.

Some women look masculine, this is such a weird take.

It doesn't work on Mac because RPG Maker MV doesn't work with newer versions of Mac as they stopped supporting Mac ports with it, your best options are: try opening the windows version with Wine, make a local server with the files in the 'www' folder or run it on a random android device with the AopAop app (which is how I ended up playing it).

Nope, these are the creators' OCs, Eddie and Benny ^^

Yesss thank you for the update, I love the idea of a compact mode :D

(I noticed texts can be weird when I make the font very big so this is a super helpful update!)

I played a bit more, the speed is a huge improvement!! I just have a small note about the riddle - I'm pretty sure I know the answer (not gonna spoil it for others though) and no matter which way I input it, seems like the game doesn't accept it. I can only suggest either having very clear instructions before the input (ex. write only in small/capital letters, no 'the' in the answer, no spaces) or have several options that are the same answer but typed differently (which is a bit harder to implement). I think also the text in the beginning of the input could be messing things up;;

I do love the character designs so far, simple but very effective, plus the words in French are a sweet touch to the text and I think makes the dialogue more interesting that way. Also noticed that you fixed the 'being able to save from the menu' issue and that saves only come with the campfires, really love saving points like these as they make the game much more intense and have higher stakes. Overall I really like your game so far, can't wait to see how it progresses ^^

Love the surrealism in this one! My favourite dream was probably therapy, I wish there was more to explore but so far I really love the style of the game, how some of it has claymation elements mixed with different media. 

"Women are more emotional" yeah I think I heard enough from you, I cannot engage with someone in a conversation in good faith when their believes belittle almost half of the human population. Also "Mr crybaby" is still something that would offend a man, really don't know why this is your example.

If you really think that talking so long about an issue is unproductive, then you sir are actually showing that you got nothing better to do than show your arse to the world. I'm just going to block you because you just showed how little you understand why this is an issue plus being sexist in the process. I don't understand why a sexist man would actually engage with the otome genre, but that's not my circus.

I don't know where you're from and I'm definitely not going to assume, but saying something is rampant is a pretty big statement - usually when I hear someone use 'miss' in a derogatory way it's towards transmasc people and makes no sense to insult a cis man by calling him 'miss'.

 Even if it's multiple people, it does not mean that the critcism has weight to it. Also noticed how all comments about the gender are recent, making me think it's not just a few people coming to the same conclusion but that one person commented on that and it influenced other's perception (I definitely could be wrong, though).

I do not think this is a minor issue - being accused of misgendering (you know, hurtful behaviour) to the point of an apology when in reality people jumped to conclusions where nowhere in the description of the game should even bring them to that conclusion - it's pretty messed up. Plus you felt like you needed to comment for so long, and seems like you're backing away just because you don't want to actually stand by your words.

You're kinda being all over the place here, so I do want to see that I get everything right - so the commenters who spoke about misgendering got upset because the game page didn't mention anything about the protagonist's gender, so assumed it's going to be gender neutral and got upset that it wasn't? It's okay to be upset that something didn't reach your expectations regardless of how it was advertised, but commenting enough times to make the developer apologize is excessive.

It is however, pretty abnormal to think that being referred to as 'miss' is some sort of belittling, and think you should do some reflection on why you think that. Not to mention it would be out of character for the Guide, especially since he can taunt people with things that would personally wound them emotionally. 

I'm sorry, but I have to politely disagree. Most games that have gender neutral options very vocally advertise it, especially if the game has custom pronouns, so assuming a game that doesn't advertise such features would have them is not the developer's fault (especially since the features that are included are clearly listed).

I've played plenty of indie game where the game refers to the player as 'you' and has the character you play as have canonical gender/s, and yet this is the first instance where I've seen people call a reference to pronouns as a 'misgendering'. 

I'm sorry people took this the wrong way - I thought that it  was obvious that Miss Pumpkin wasn't supposed to be a one-to-one self insert? Like I understand relating to a character, but demanding that a canon character's pronouns need to change because they're using pronouns that aren't they/them AKA gender inclusive... I think it's going a bit too far. 

This is a pretty cute game, but with how slow the character moves and lack of direction, it's very hard to navigate;;

Just got this pack - the liminal space background is perfect for writing my current horror story, thank you so much for making such amazing themes! :D

I absolutely love the app - thank you so much for making it!!
Also saw that you've got an android tablet version in the works, which I"m really excited to use on the go :D